Chapter Four

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Sherlock was safely back home and completely recovered the next morning, he was sat having a breakfast Mrs Hudson had cooked him and John as Mycroft spoke to him.

"Ooh. It's a bit rude, that noise, isn't it?" Mrs Hudson mentions when Sherlock's phone goes off again, the same moaning noise coming out.

"There's nothing you can do and nothing she will do as far as I can see," Sherlock continues his conversation about Irene and Luna slowly walks up the stairs - Mrs Hudson had insisted she came to meet Sherlock.

"I can put maximum surveillance on her," Mycroft counters

"Why bother? You can follow her on Twitter. I believe her user name is-" Luna takes this as her cue, she leans on the door frame

"'Thewhiphand'," she tells the room and they all turn to her. John smiles politely whist Sherlock and Mycroft stare confused.

"And you are?" Mycroft asks and Luna smirks - it's exactly what Sherlock had said.

"Luna Moore, live downstairs," she points "Also, the photographer hired to take the photos of Irene Adler for her website - and her Twitter actually," Luna smiles

"Yes. Most amusing," Mycroft responds, his phone rings and he takes it out as Luna goes to help Mrs Hudson.

"Excuse me," Mycroft walks out into the hall, answering the phone and Luna half listens to John and Sherlock talking about Sherlock's text alert. She smirks lightly, realising what Irene had done. Yet, when it sounds, it doesn't quite sound like her. Luna had heard Irene working many times, yet this sounded different. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, maybe it was just because it was faked.

"Bond Air is go, that's decided. Check with the Coventry lot. Talk later," Mycroft walks back in

"What else does she have?" Sherlock asks and Mycroft looks at him questionably. "Irene Adler. The Americans wouldn't be interested in her for a couple of compromising photographs. There's more," he stands up to face his sibling "Much more. Something big's coming, isn't it?"

"Irene Adler is no longer any concern of yours. From now on you will stay out of this," Luna sips her tea quietly, watching the interaction curiously.

"Oh, will I?"

"Yes, Sherlock, you will," Sherlock shrugs and walks over to his chair, watching Luna, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a long and arduous apology to make to a very old friend," Sherlock grabs his violin, putting it in position.

"Do give her my love," he starts playing 'God save the Queen' and Luna laughs quietly, Mycroft rolls his eyes and turns to her.

"It was nice meeting you,"

"I'm sure it wasn't," Luna smirks and Mycroft nods as Sherlock continues and John grins. Sherlock looks out the window, watching the people bellow.

Over time, Luna still popped into Sherlock and John's flat, whether it be for Mrs Hudson or to talk to John. It seemed Sherlock didn't hate her, he tolerated her for short amounts of time. He didn't usually deduce anything from her and even John couldn't figure out why. Sherlock watched her curiously whenever she was in the room, yet rarely spoke to her.


"Mrs Hudson asked me to bring up your post," Luna starts, placing it down by Sherlock who was playing his violin as he watched the street bellow, he doesn't respond and Luna sighs, walking away.


Luna's sat with John at the dining table, she'd bought back a cake from the bakery and they were sharing it over a cuppa. Sherlock is now moving around the living room, his eyes glancing over to Luna every once in a while, when she catches him, she gives him a small smile.


Sherlock is playing at his window again, looking at the people passing by, more importantly Luna who was with a client. Her photography had really taken off and she also had clients coming in and out of the building - Mrs Hudson could barely keep up with who was there about a murder and who was a model or an agency. Luna was taking photos of a brunette woman on the street; Sherlock could see clear skill in how she was instructing the model and taking the photos. "Who are you?" he muttered quietly, it seemed he still hadn't figured much about her. Maybe he should try talking to her like John had suggested...

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