Chapter Five

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Sherlock had invited Luna around for Christmas Eve - a part of his plan to figure her out - and she was already late. A magazine she had been working for needed photos in the snow and her and the model were not happy. Luna also had to edit the photos and now as she put her earrings on in the small mirror by her door in 221c, she hoped Sherlock wouldn't stop talking to her. The man had suddenly actually taken an interest in her life, he'd thank her when she brought up post, make small jokes and question her when she spoke with John over some tea and even let her help on a few cases. She'd even solved a case in minutes, Sherlock had been struggling and once he gave her all the information, she'd already solved it. Sherlock put it down to her photography knowledge and the fact he'd solved most of it - he hadn't. 

The man seemed to genuinely enjoy her company and want to get to know her, Luna knew better though. He couldn't read her for some reason. She still found herself enjoying him taking an interest in her though, even if she knew it was for his own reasons, not because he liked her in anyway.

Luna had a green dress with yellow flowers on, with some red shoes with bows on the back and some red earring and a simple gold necklace. She'd put effort in, but not  much more than usual. Irene paid well when Luna worked for her and helped her business develop, meaning she had more money to spend on clothes and decorations for her flat. It currently still had her photoshoot area up; a few strings of fairy lights and a small tree was in the corner.

She puts her red headband in her curled hair, pulling out a few blonde strands at the front to soften the look. She then adds a hint of subtle red lipstick before grabbing the small package off her leather sofa and leaving the house. She carefully walks up the stairs in her heels and the door to John and Sherlock's flat is open, so she jokingly knocks and everyone looks to her "Oh, Luna!" Mrs Hudson greets happily, clearly tipsy "We were starting to think you weren't coming,"

"The magazine I'm working of needed a few new photos to be taken and edited, so I've been busy," she smiles politely and Greg hands her a glass of red wine.

"Thank you," she takes 4 massive gulps and Sherlock raises an eyebrow "long day" she excuses as everyone else falls into mindless chatter, Luna compliments Molly and drifts over to John and his girlfriend.

"I didn't know you were coming..." Luna tried to remember her name and Sherlock walks past her subtly whispering in her ear "Jeanette! Sorry, it's been a long day,"

"It's fine, you're not the first," Jeanette glass at Sherlock and Luna takes another gulp of wine.

"You came at just the right time," John mentions and Luna raises an eyebrow "You missed one of the most awkward moments of our lives,"

"Molly and Sherlock?" Luna instantly guesses after seeing Molly's outfit.


"Well, I should go greet our favourite 'high functioning sociopath'" Luna smiles again and walks over to where Sherlock was back at John's laptop, she leans over him, reading the screen. It's nothing interesting and she sighs.

"If you find me boring, why come over here?" Sherlock asks

"I came to say hi," she defends and he looks up at her, clearly not believing her. Their faces are incredibly close and Luna can feel Molly's eyes piercing into the side of her head. "Okay, got me. Greg's boring and I don't have the heart to tell him about his wife,"

"Already done that,"

"John is glued to girlfriend number four who makes me uncomfortable. Think she thinks I fancy 'him," Sherlock raises an eyebrow in shock "Molly is stately at me intently and Mrs Hudson's already had too much," Luna explains "so you're my best option,"

"Some terrible other outcomes then," Luna smiles and places the small package on his desk and Sherlock notices the colour - blood red - like Luna's shoes, Irene's lipstick and Luna's jewellery "Is it...?" he looks up again and she nods, grabbing her wine and floating over to Mrs Hudson.

"Luna! You look lovely, I don't know how you afford all those clothes and jewellery,"

"Eh, business is really picking up," Luna shrugs and she catches Sherlock's eyes as he goes into his bedroom, she nods quietly and the message is got across. Irene Adler's body would be found that night.


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