Chapter 22

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As soon as she stirred from her sleep, the first thing to hit her was the whiff of his Valentino.

She opened her eyes in panic and tried to register the surrounding. She looked around and realized she was in his room, at his house.

In the next instant she realized another thing, she wasn’t wearing her uniform, instead she was wearing a shirt. His shirt.

That explained the Valentino. Her mind went back to the time when he picked her.

Soon as she was in his arms, she felt like everything around her was spinning, followed by a brief blur moment and she couldn’t recollect anything after that.

She very well knew the reason for her dizzy spell. Hunger.

Obviously after that he got her home to tend to her, probably changed her clothes too.

But where was he? Had he left for work already? leaving her here all by herself? She started looking around for her phone, but the next instant the fire alarms went off in her head, as he sauntered inside wearing just his boxers and placed the tray in his hand on the bed.

The heat had definitely risen up with his sexy body on display.

She just stared shamelessly, unable to utter a single word after that. Sidharth sat beside her for a while, mutely pouring the coffee and lathering the toast with a huge dollop of butter.

“No..No please I cannot eat that” she frowned at the greasy toast.

“You do not get a choice after putting us both through hell. You will eat what I give you” his raised voice and the fury in his eyes, both made her jump

“I am working from home today and I will see to it that you have eaten amply to make up for the missed meals. And if you refuse even a single morsel, be prepared to be force fed” he asserted yet again, handing her the toast.

The irked tone was a warning enough for her and post that she only opened her mouth to eat two similar greasy toasts, a plate of fruit and a cup of coffee.

Full to her throat, she finally gestured to him that she could no longer push anything inside and saw him warming up.

Clearing the hindrance of the table, he scooted forward to her, cupping her face.

“First you go ahead and announce a break up, then you cry your eyes out and then u have the fucking audacity to go without food for more than 24 hours” he paused and pulled her face to him, plastering his lips on hers for a long moment.

“what was the point you were trying to prove” his earnest words, moved her.

Tears sprang in her eyes as her fingers drifted through his hair from the temples. She was about to speak up and tell him the truth but he spoke again

“Did you want me to come crawling at your feet? So that you could feel the power rush?” he smirked offending her the very second and she snatched her hands back and pushed his off as well.

“Not every one is a power hungry control freak like you are” she was quick to retort, but her sudden withdrawal made him realize his mistake.

“Ok.. ok chill baby, I didn’t mean that. I am sorry” he chuckled, looking at her angry face.

After warding off two of his attempts to touch her, she finally let go of it at the third time and crawled into his lap when he pulled her to him.

“Promise me no matter what happens love, you will not punish yourself like this ever. I was out of my mind when I saw you unconscious” his face was pained.

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