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Luke's POV-

When I walked in the door, I found something better than I expected. There standing on the steps was a small bodied girl buried in a sweater, with silky black hair. She looked to be around my age.

I was lost in her big chocolate brown eyes, before her mother spoke again. "Sam, could you give Luke the tour?" She nods to her mother.
I smiled before following behind her to the family room. "This is our living room, and bathroom over there" she said pointing to a door on the left.

She turns around to where our mothers are, the smell of home cooking fills the house.
"Kitchen, dinning room, and this is our library." She finishes, stopping in the doorway of a shelved room.

We head back to the stair case and walk down the hall to the left corridor. She opens the first door, than the second, then the third at the end.
"First is the guest room, this is the main bathroom, and my moms room." We walk back to the right, where there is a small bridge that over looks the family room. To the right side is a huge bathroom, and then she walks to the double doors at the end.

The room beyond the doors is painted a dark maroon colour. Walls littered with posters and logos of various brands. A king size bed is placed in the far left corner, with a shelf full of trophies above the pillows. Her bed spread is all back.
The wall beside the door was where a large white board hung. Dry erase markers filled a container. She had doodles filling the space of the board.
The night stand beside her bed held a plain black lamp, a few pencils and a water bottle.

I see her awkwardly watching me as I walk through her room. "I like it." I say, looking up to see her face flush red as she smiles.

"Thank you." she says, looking down at her vans.

"Well, my window is right there." I say awkwardly, looking through to my room.

"Fun" She laughs, walking over to her bed.

"Hey, are these BMX trophies?" I ask, becoming more and more intrigued with this girl.
"Yeah" she says, walking over. "I used to compete... Not anymore." she smiles weakly, sitting on her bed.
"That's honestly so impressive." I reply, before deciding to sit beside her.

She looks up at me and our eyes lock. I'm lost in those big brown eyes, and I feel myself brushing her hair behind her ear.

"You're beautiful" I say, completely out of my mind. Of course she was gorgeous! But I just met her! What if she has a boyfriend!? God I'm dumb.


Sam's POV-
"You're beautiful" he says, brushing my hair softly from my face.

"No. No I'm not" i stutter, looking down at my lap.
"Who the fuck told you that?" He asked concerned, moving closer to me. I look up at his big blue eyes and melt.
"Who hasn't is the real question" I said, feeling tears in my eyes. I tried to hold it back, but he saw.
"That's insane, you're gorgeous. And who ever says different can deal with me" he says, reaching for my hand. I willingly hold it tight, somehow it just felt right.
"When you come to school on Monday, you'll find friends and see who I am. I'm nothing."

Before he could speak my mom called us for dinner. We stand up still holding hands, before letting go in the hall way. He stops at the stairs and leans over. "It's gonna be okay" he whispers, sending shivers down my spine.

After dinner, we go back up to my room to get Luke's coat. "Ya know, I really like you Sam" he smiles, giving me butterflies like no tomorrow. I blush and turn beat red.
"Thanks" I whisper. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. I embrace him tightly, before he lets go and catches me off guard with a kiss on the cheek. I smile widely, as he leaves the room.

hey !!
make sure to vote + check out some of my other stories (:


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