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Samantha's POV-

"so, we've called you in to day specifically to talk about your most recent attack" Dr. Brown begins our session, sipping her coffee and preparing notes like usual

"I don't know what to say... aren't you the doctor?" I ask, raising one eye brow at her

she chuckles softly,
"yeah, but I'm not you. I've never had a personal experience Sam" she explains

"well, what did you take notes about after my attack? you must have had some comments or doctor like statements" I poke, stretching my neck to peer over her notes

"I want you to talk" she says, laying her note pad face down so no words can be seen

"well, it was the exact same as my dreams. and you should know all about those" I state simply, avoiding much details on the topic

"more than that Sam. I know you want to tell me" she says, as if she could read my fucked up mind

"it was like I was just a souls inside my body, but the was something else too.... something else controlling my body. I didn't want to crawl down that hall, or dodge the IV. I didn't want to tell Luke I wanted to die. I didn't want him to get that upset" I raise my voice, as it all pours out of me

"I know Sam, but I needed to hear it from you" he says comfortingly, putting her hand on my shoulder

"what now?" I huff

"well, it's been two weeks since that day. you haven't had attacks or any bipolar mood swings. and by the looks of things, it was due to that medicine we had finally got into your system." she smiles, taking another sip of her coffee

"does that mean I can leave?" I ask desperately

"Sam, there's something else we haven't discussed about you" she becomes more stern, and almost worried

the door suddenly clicks open, and my mom and Luke appear.

"oh my god!" I say, jumping to embrace Luke tightly.

he picks me up and I wrap my legs tightly around his waist.

he pecks my lips, before setting me down so my mom could hug me.

"so Dr. let's get right to it" my mom says shakily, taking a seat in an empty chair beside Dr. Brown who had a worried look on her face

"come sit" Luke whispers, leading me to the love seat and sitting down with me.

Luke wraps his arm around my, holding me close to him

"what's going on?" I ask, realizing the room is filled with stress and worry.

"well, I brought these two here today because I knew they would want to be here to hear this" Dr. Brown begins, taking a ragged breath

"so..." I ask, wanting her to hurry

"Sam, we've been studying you carefully. and you know that we've seen all of your dreams. and I'm here to tell you that those were all part of the success in you being here." she smiles, making my moms face become happy and less worried

"you can leave next week" Dr. Brown says happily

"oh my god!" I exclaim, running to my mom and hugging her tightly.

I turn back around to find Luke crying like a baby

"Luke, what's wrong?" I pout, grabbing his hand and pulling him off the couch.

his hands wrap around my small waist quickly, bringing me close to his warm body

"I'm so happy I didn't loose you" he whispers, burying his face into the crock of my neck

"congratulations Sam" Dr. Brown smiles again, before her and my mom exit the room together

"you should probably go see what they're talking about" Luke says, releasing me from his strong grip but keeping one arm around my waist.

I nod and we walk down the hall to the front desk where my mom and the doctor are

"so, the pills won't work yet, so the IV will need to be put in to your system once a week." she begins, scanning over my files

"why not the pill?" my mother asks curiously

"well, the IV was much more powerful, and it's best to keep her on that at first. we still have some work to do to make the pill right for her condition" she explains, as my mom nods understandingly

"also, the anorexia has not been dealt with as much as I'd like. the only thing we can do for Sam at this point is make sure she gets her vitamin pills. that's the best we can do right now" she says, bringing my head back to my tiny 80 pound body wrapped in Luke's arms

"okay, I'll make sure of that" my mom assures her, glancing over at me for a split second

"you have one week left also, so that we can make sure the pill is 100% good for you. and then you're free to go home. that's all" she smiles, before heading back down the hall to her office

"well, we'll see you in a week" my mom smiles, hugging me once more.

"I'll see you then" I smile widely, as my mom kisses my forehead softly

"Luke, I'll be waiting in the car" she smiles, before heading out the front doors

"so, I didn't loose you after all" he smiles, pulling my into him tightly

"yeah, I'm glad you didn't"
and with that, his lips collided with mine.

his hands traveled all over my body, grasping my waist and pulling me close

my hands wrap around his neck and run widely through his long blonde hair

"I love you, so much" he whispers, breaking the kiss to catch his breath

"I love you forever" I smile, before he walks away, and our hands slowly untangle each other apart


she's okayyyy:)

I'm happy.

hope you like the update. I'm really bored lately so I've updated all my works at least twice these past couple of days😂

soooo, see ya later💋

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