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Sam's POV-

"Mrs. Jenkins, I think she's having an attack" the familiar voice of a nurse panics, and then I hear the door click open.

"oh my fucking god, I didn't even think about that" Luke grits his teeth angrily at himself.

"can you help her?" my mom panics, walking over to my taken over body

"MOM!" I scream, but it's only echoes in my ears.. she can't hear me!

I'm trapped all over again, and it's just like the dreams!

"mom, help" I yell repeatedly at the top of my lungs, but each time my mom doesn't respond

"we believe this will help" the doctor says, holding pills and what looked like some kind of serum

"what's that?" my mom asks, peering over at the unknown medicines

"we have recently created this medication in both pill and IV form, specifically for Samantha" she explains, grabbing a new IV tube and attaching it the the bag of liquid

"what will it do to her? what if it doesn't work? is it fatal?!" my mom raises her voice frantically

"no m'am, this is absolutely safe. if it doesn't work, her body will get rid of it same as food waste" she explains calmly, as my mom's face eases

"oh, thank god" she huffs, looking back over to me

she grasps my hand in hers, and I smile widely...

but when I reach up and touch my lips, they're cold, and straight

I'm still emotionless, just laying on the bed

I look over at the doctor, as she prepares the medication.

I just hope it works.

she goes to slide the needle in my arm, when my arms fling away

I try to hold them down, but I'm powerless against my own body

"grab her!" the doctor calls, sending nurses to flutter in quickly

my body flings around the bed, causing my body to tumble off the side

I feel nothing though, I'm numb inside myself

"get her up" my mom panics, as the nurses hurry to the bedside I had fallen from

my body flings on the ground, crawling desperately to the almost closed door

I'm too quick for the nurses, and I quickly grasp the door handle and push the door open.

I crawl demonically along the hospital corridors, my hands rapidly slapping against the tiles and flinging my body further from the hospital room

I scream as loud as I can, trying to move my body or stop myself... but nothing happens in my power

I hear the nurses catching up behind me, but my body keeps crawling away desperately

"stop! Sam please stop!" I hear the voice I loved so much call out to me.

"LUKE" I scream, tugging myself the other way.

but my body kept going.

before I knew it, my body was grabbed by several nurses, and being carried back to the room

my body struggles to get free, but they keep me on their grip

I'm even more relived when I look up to find a worried Luke, standing in the door way with my mom

he grabs my moms hand, as I catch a glance of her falling tears

they carry me to an unfamiliar room, after walking past Luke.

there was a full body machine, almost like a cat scan room

but the machine was different than normal. there was leather straps on the bed, with padlock buckles

the nurses fling my seizing body onto the bed, and strap me tightly into the belts

I try to calm myself down, but my body still tries to break free from the buckles

they won't budge though, and before I know it my body stops cold

I lay stunned and blank, like in the hospital room.

"Sam? oh my god you're gonna be okay, they said you're gonna be okay" Luke cries, running the the bed side and grabbing my stiff hand

"Luke?" I croak, assuming he still can't hear me though

"yeah, I'm right here" Luke answers, squeezing my hand

"you can hear me?!" I ask, realizing I could grip his hand too

"yeah, I can.. you need to sleep babe. you're tired" he hushes me, brushing the hair from my face gently

"I love you" I whisper, as my eyes flutter

"I love you too baby" he smiles, before leaving the room

"relax Sam, let it help you" my mom whispers from the chair beside my bed

I had just realized she was there, I was so lost

I look down at my arms, and see the IV needles, leading to the bag of medication

I smile to myself, before my eyes become heavy, and everything goes dark.

hey !!
soooo, who thinks she gonna be all good??
haha, you'll have to find out😏

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