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Early next day, they were woken up by molly. "Get up you two. You are going to miss the portkey otherwise" molly shouted, irritated.

Stirring, the twins opened their to see an irritated molly grinning George said "good morning to you too, mother" shaking her head, she snapped "now enough with the jokes. Quickly come down to have breakfast" and left.

Getting up, they dressed and made their way downstairs in the kitchen. The golden trio was already there, eating. They sat down to eat and Fred winked at Hermione. Shaking her head, she continued to eat
"So where is Bill, Charlie and Percy?" Ron asked
"They can Apparate. You lot can't. So they are sleeping" gorning everyone completed their breakfast.

Not long after, the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione set out towards the hill in search of the portkey.
Reaching, they saw the Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory and his father Amos Diggory. After the basic introduction, they touched the portkey and landed on the ground with a loud 'thump'

Getting up, the Diggory's and Weasley's separated. Everyone followed Arthur and set up the tent in a muggle way.

They spent the rest of the day doing nothing, shopping and roaming. Around afternoon, Charlie,Percy and bill joined them. Sometime around 3pm, some ministry officials visits them, including Barty crouch sr. And Ludo Bagman. They set a bet with mr.bagman.

In the evening, all of them sat together, discussing and guessing about who would win the match.

Next day, they got up early and made their way towards the Quidditch pitch. Sitting in the top box, they waited for the game to start.

After nearly an hour or two, the game ended as Victor Krum, the Bulgerian seeker catched the snitch. But the game was won by Ireland. Taking money from Ludo Bagman, they made their way back towards their tent.

In the evening, they teased ron about victor and enjoyed.
The night fell as everyone slept peacefully.

Next day, they got up, and took the same portkey. Reaching the hill, they made their way towards the burrow, tiredly walking.

After reaching the burrow, They cornered Charlie & took charlie in their room, and locked the door.
"so.....What's this about?" charie asked, raising his brow.
"you know very well about what this is." George said
"Is this about that letter?" Charlie asked.
"Yup. And you have been avoiding since" Fred said.
charie nodded. "The girl you mentioned, is Nymphadora Tonks. She was in my year but in Hufflepuff. She was a huge pranksters & she was a metamorphagus. Anything else?"

The twins thought about the information Provided. "where can we find her?" George asked.

"No idea. Even at school, we weren't good friends, just acquittance. And i dont know about her whereabouts."

"Ok you can go."

"I have a question for you." They nodded, urging him

"Why do you want to meet her?"

"Personal reasons"

"You aren't deciding another big prank are you? Because, she likes to prank everyone alot. And she won't stop you even now. It can cause a havoc" Charlie asked, concerned

The twins smirked at each other
"Don't worry Charlie" and they left.

Sitting on the corner couch in the main room, they low-fied each other
"Next step, find Nymphadora Tonks, the Hufflepuff prankster"

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