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There was a two second pause then everyone but the newcomers burst out laughing. "Tonks, if you please" Dumbledore said after the laughter subsided. "Yes professor" Tonks said "You may as well take a seat, please" Dumbledore said casting six more chairs. The newcomers sat reluctantly. Not wasting a second, Tonks changed to herself, a big grin on her face. "Hiya Professor Sprout, McGonagall and Hagrid" She said waving her hand. Others gasped looking at her as she turned to a girl from Dumbledore. "What?" McGonagall said, still dazed. "She is a Metamorphgus. From future" Dumbledore said "What are you saying, Dumbledore?" Sprout asked. Dumbledore sighed. "I believe it is time I told you all story, but I want your word that this story will not go outside these walls, Hagrid? Elizabeth? Minerva and Pomona? Madam Prince and Poppy?" "Yes professor" Elizabeth squeaked "Yer 'ave my word professor Dumbledore, sir" Hagrid said gruffly. Sprout, Madam Prince, Poppy and McGonagall nodded "Well then, let's dive into the story."

An hour later, McGonagall and Poppy were glaring at Dumbledore, Sprout, Madam Prince and Hagrid were laughing mildly and Elizabeth looked overall shaken at the thought of time travel.

"And when will they be leaving?" Sprout asked. Dumbledore looked at the 7 people. "Well, we wanted to do more pranks" Fred started "But now three Professor McGonagall will know who s behind the prank without a doubt." George started "Which will not be good" James said grinning "Because Minnie will get a reason to plan a date with all of us." Sirius said "and that will be no good" Peter squeaked "Because no matter your love for us, we are not that free for attending all those dates" Remus said pleasantly.

McGonagall was looking at the Marauders wide eyed, her lips twitching. All the students and Dumbledore openly laughed, while others chuckled. "Let's fix date and time for our next date, shall we? Mr. Lupin, Pettigrew, Black and Potter" McGonagall said raising an eyebrow "NO" the marauders shouted. "Let them be, Minerva. They are kids, and after these four are gone, Hogwarts will be again silent. At least for some while" Dumbledore said looking at the Marauders with a knowing look, while they smiled sheepishly. "I wouldn't bet on it, Dumbledore. And Ms. Evans, Ms. McDonald and Ms. McKinnon, I didn't expect this from you lot. This time is ok, but do not let these four change you." McGonagall said eyeing the Marauders. "Yes professor" The three girls replied their heads down.

"If we are done here, I suggest everyone go back to the work you were doing. Pomona, please check if the Slytherin students are in your common room. If yes, tell them their detention is over and to please return to their own common rooms." Sprout nodded and stood up. "Oh and Dumbledore, I want fertilizers, Hagrid will bring them right?" "Yes" Dumbledore nodded. Sprout and Hagrid along with Elizabeth left. "Madam Prince, please wait a while, I have some work." Madam Prince nodded. "Poppy and Minerva, you may go" They stood up and left, talking with each others in whispers. Dumbledore turned to the students. "I think it would be better if you leave tomorrow after Breakfast." He said to the future lot. Everyone seemed sad, though it was more of an order than request, even though he used please. The future lot nodded "Ok professor, we will leave tomorrow after breakfast, we will come here and then leave from here if that is ok with you?" Tonks asked "Certainly. You may go" The students stood up to leave. James turned to Dumbledore "Professor Dumbledore, you told me to stay" He said uncertainly. Dumbledore looked at him intently for few seconds. "Perhaps some other time Mr. Potter. You may leave now with everyone" Dumbledore said thoughtfully. James shrugged and the students left.

They reached the Gryffindor common room and entered the Boys dorm. Peter and Sirius checked the washrooms "They have really done a nice job" Sirius said, amused.

Madam Prince and Dumbledore were sat in Dumbledore's office. "What did you want, Dumbledore?" Madam Prince asked. "There are a few books in the restricted section I would like to take away from the library. Students are allowed to read those books with a permission of any professor, and it will do them no good to read those." Madam Prince looked somewhat offended. She thought that students should not be deprived of any knowledge they could get. "What are these books about, may I ask?" She asked in the kindest tone possible. "I would tell if I will have your word to not repeat this to anyone?" Dumbledore asked. She sighed "You have my word" "I want a few books about dark arts, which contains books about Horcruxes" Madam Prince gasped. "They are very deep into the restricted section, Dumbledore, no one but you are allowed to sign permission for that." Madam Prince said indignantly. "I am aware of that. But I think it is safe to keep those in my office." Dumbledore said calmly. "OK. I will help you find them" Dumbledore nodded.

Both Madam Prince and Dumbledore stood up. Calmly walking back to the library, they retrieved total 3 books on Horcruxes. "Thank you very much" Dumbledore said and walked towards his office humming. He needed to start the work right away. 

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