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It was an understatement to say that Mary and Marlene were tired. Day and night, they were working hard in hopes of training people. It all started after the Holidays. During one of their free lectures, Dumbledore had called them to his office.

Startled, they both walked towards Dumbledore's office. Knocking on the door, they waited for Dumbledore to give them permission. After about two minutes, they heard a muffled 'come in'.

Walking in the room, they saw Dumbledore sat calmly on his chair, and in front of him, a short, stout boy was occupying the chair. "Peter?" Mary asked uncertainly. The boy turned around to look at them, "Hey Mary, Marlene" Peter squeaked.

"Ms. McDonald and Ms. McKinnon, please have a seat" Dumbledore spoke calmly.

"How are your studies going?" Dumbledore asked.

"They are good, professor" both replied.

"How would you like to help Mr. Pettigrew and some other students" Dumbledore asked looking at them expectantly.

There was a second pause before Marlene asked "Help, in what sense professor? And who are the other students?"

"To duel. We cannot deny that Voldemort is rising and no one is safe. I do not intend to raise solider, but I do hope, that young lives should not be taken because their magical education was not complete"

Mary and Marlene were silent for a while, again.

"But then, if we have to train students, why not train all instead of a few who you select? No offence, professor" Mary asked.

Dumbledore chuckled "None taken. But, the students from fifth year and above are already being taught extra defensive and attacking spells. And the students of 6th or 7th year will automatically be drawn in the war. Both sides needs as much support as they can. All the children of Death eaters will, no doubt, become Death eaters, that is, more than half of Slytherins."

Mary and Marlene were dumbfounded. They thought that Dumbledore was all for house unity, but as it seems, you never know.

"As for the other houses, I believe they are enough responsible as to choose the right side. I want you to teach the children from other three houses who are in their third and fourth year. The spells which must be taught will be given to you. You can plan the schedule as you want. But this will ensure the safety of the younger students." Dumbledore finished.

Mary and Marlene looked at each other. They were having a mental eye to eye conversation couples usually had. Finally, they turned to Dumbledore and nodded "Ok, we'll do it"

"Good–" Dumbledore clapped, "– then you will have one more student. It is my wish that you help Mr. Pettigrew with few of the spells." Dumbledore said.

"Ok. Where do we work? Marlene asked.

"I believe you are familiar with the room of requirements?" Dumbledore asked knowingly.

"Yes, then we will work after class till before dinner?" Mary asked looking at Marlene.

Marlene shrugged. "Who will inform the other students?"

"That will be taken care of. You will teach the spells from this book" Dumbledore said handing them a small diary. Mary took the diary and flipped through the pages.

"No, I am sure you would like to utilise your free time by doing something fruitful instead talking to an old fool, so, of you go" Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling.

Peter, Mary and Marlene exited the office "Thanks Marls and Mary" Peter squeaked, embarrassed

"Oh it's nothing, Peter, we are glad. Meet us in the common room after the last lecture, will you?" Mary asked nonchalantly.

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