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The 11 people returned to their dorms. They had an evening and small part of morning to spend together for the last time, and they were going to enjoy it completely. Fred and George had a present for the boys. As they sat on their bed, Fred and George pulled out 4 sets of Skiving Snackbox, 4 packs of dungbombs, boxing telescopes, U-No-Poo, weather in the bottles and portable swamp for the guys. 3 Overlasting eyelashes, patented daydream charms, Pygmy puffs and 10-second pimple vanishers for the girls. They also pulled 7 pairs of extendable ears, shield hats, gloves and clock and  boxes of Peruvian instant darkness powder.

"What is all this?" Lily asked in awe while playing with her violet Pygmy Puff. Fred and George smirked "These, ladies and gentlemen, are some of our products from our joke shop." Fred asked. "Do any of you girls want skiving Snackbox or dungbombs or such?"George asked.

"What is the working for all these?" James asked very interested in everything. "Let us give you all a nice tour. Starting from Skiving Snackbox, it contains many different toffees, which will make you temporarily ill, sufficient for you to get out of any lecture. Once reached the hospital wing, you eat the other part of the toffee and your illness will disappear. Some examples are the toffees which make your nose bleed of causes you to vomit. Noting the other half of the toffee can't fix." Fred assured "Cool. I will take one" Marlene said. "Then you all know dungbombs, boxing telescope punches the user in the eye, and this paste will help you cure it. U-No-Poo causes your stomach to how to put it...mal function. Whether in bottle is quite literal. If you open the lid, the weather will come out. And Portable swamps too are literal. You can't vanish them, only one spell which we invented can. If you do try to remove it, it will only double the amount." Fred said. "Then there's wonder which products. Eyelashes, daydream charm is 30 mins virtual daydream. Side effects are minor drooling and emptiness in eyes also useful in bunking the lectures. Pygmy Puffs are kind of your pet. Then the extendable ears help you to overhear conversations. Shield hats, gloves and clocks are some our latest products, as there is some death eater movement in our reality. Even people of ministry of magic are buying hose products. They repel basic hexes and jinxes, not very heavy dark magic obviously. And then the Peruvian instant darkness powder, bloody useful if you want to make a quick escape." Fred and George told everyone.

"Thanks mate, how much did this cost?" James asked. "Nah... it's a gift, so free for you guys" Fred and George said together. "No, you have to tell us, you obviously have put a lot of effort into it, how much?" Sirius insisted.

Fred and George made a mouth zipping motion and stood up. Giving Marlene another box of skiving Snackbox, they sat again. "Do you have 5 extra pairs of shield hat, clock and gloves?" Lily asked, her lips quivering a bit. "Sure" George said handing her the 5 extra pairs. "Thanks" Lily mumbled. The night was spent chatting and enjoying their time together. Tonks told everyone her many adventures of how she scared Snape saying he was fired by turning to Dumbledore, or how she transformed into Snape and humiliated him before he came into class. Fred and George told their use of portable swamp on a very evil witch named Umbridge. Lee told them the insults their Marauders map showed him when he was trying to open it in his first year.

When the girls went to sleep, the guys told some of the Prank who no one knew was their idea or their illegal animagus transformations. All in all, the nigh was spent with much chatting and no one wanted to future lot to leave except Dumbledore and McGonagall.

The next day arrived very quickly. For the first time in four years, the marauders were felling pretty down-hearted. After getting ready for classes, the 11 people walked down the stairs, towards the Great hall. Dumbledore was as usual sitting at his grand chair. The hall started to fill in. Each table was filled with hat particular house. AS the hall was completely full, Dumbledore stood up. "I have an announcement to make. Many students yesterday witnessed a show here, some must have noticed it in the library, some of you must have experienced in your own dorms or dungeons or for some of you, it must be hospital wing. I would like to clear your thoughts. Whatever yesterday happened, was just a...trick, or a source of enjoyment for some. So, whatever nothing happened, it was not at all true and I am dearly sorry for your inconvenience. Now you may start the breakfast. Pip Pip." Dumbledore said and sat. The plates appeared and the great hall burst in chatter. Every student of every house was chatting with their friends about what they witnessed the day before. The 11 doomed were grinning sheepishly. No one was able to wipe that grin of their faces, and McGonagall was getting rather irritated because of it. "The 7 prized with doom of 11 will stay after breakfast" She called loudly. The 11 people groaned loudly, their grins no longer visible. McGonagall smirked internally and Dumbledore was looking at her with accusation "Can't you bare to see the children happy for once, Minerva?" Dumbledore asked, grinning himself. "Not for a second, Albus" She muttered back. "Maybe it is time I give you detention again, or maybe I will give them detention on rewriting old detention slips" Dumbledore said slyly. "You wouldn't dare" She whispered back angrily. "C'mon Minnie, let us have our breakfast in peace" Sirius shouted loudly. McGonagall was barely able to control her smile. "Oh I am utterly Sorry Mr. Black, but you all will have to stay after the breakfast." McGonagall said sarcastically. Laughter was heard all over the hall, but subsided at once after her glare. Dumbledore chuckled again "See, you kill their joy, so from now on, you are Kid Killer McGee" McGonagall chocked on her pumpkin juice though regained her posture and excused herself from the table, going directly to Dumbledore's office.

The breakfast was over not long after McGonagall left. All the students started walking towards their class, though a particular group of 11 people walked in the direction of Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore was already in his office, fighting....Ahem...Having a conversation with McGonagall. "You can't just let them go off the hook, Dumbledore. Yes they are kids, but they are here to learn discipline, respecting orders...and...and" McGonagall was speaking, though she was not able to think of any reason. "See, Minerva, the reason you are not able to think anything else is because you don't really want to punish them, because deep down, you also have a part that says let us prank someone right now, you just have learnt to control it. They will too, give them time" Dumbledore explained. But before McGonagall could reply again, a knock on the door was heard. The 11 students filled in Dumbledore's office. Sirius was the first to notice McGonagall "Oh Minnie's here too" He provided. McGonagall, instead of scolding him, smiled mischievously. "Oh yes, Mr. Black, I am here to escort you to our date immediately after the detention." Sirius groaned "Not again...." James mumbled. "Oh don't worry, Mr. Potter, I have convinced Minerva to let go all of you, but she has not yet let go of Mr. Black, so only he has the date to attend." Dumbledore said pleasantly. Sirius smirked "See prongs, Minnie likes me better" Sirius said cokily. "Over my dead body" James retorted. "Before a fight emerges, shall we say goodbye to our visitors?" Dumbledore interrupted. "Yeah..."They all mumbled. "Wait, professor, we arrived in the Diagon Ally, we will have to go there first and then turn time" Tonks said. "Then I will create us a portkey." Dumbledore said and turned a quill into a portkey. Everyone touched the Quill and they disappeared from the office, reappearing outside the building. After a few last goodbyes and hugs, the four put the time turner around their necks. One last time saluting the 9 people standing in front of them, Tonks turned the dial of the turner. At once the four disappeared from the view of 9 people. The 7 students sighed. "Well, let us go back to school, shall we?" Dumbledore asked merrily. The 9 people touched the portkey and appeared back to Dumbledore's office. "Well, let us start with our normal routine, thinking this never happened. Everyone, you can have a holiday today, but you will continue your classes from tomorrow" Dumbledore said dismissing the students. "Thank you very much professor" Lily said a exited, others following her lead and walking to their dorm, thinking they will never be able to see anyone from the future lot ever.

Or they thought so....

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