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The next day was a Thursday
Getting up late, they missed the breakfast and insted, visited the kitchens.
Taking some snacks from scooter and bubbles, they made their way towards their dorms.
Sitting on their beds, they ate cookies.

"Holloween is tomorrow. We will make the potion today and after all the classes, we will visit sprout. Let us not attend any lecture today." Lee said.

Agreeing, the three of them set up a couldron in the corner of the common room. Immediately, they started to make the aging potion given in their textbooks.

After what seemed like hours, the three let the potion cool, while, they made their way towards the greenhouse.

They saw sprout talking to a Ravenclaw student beside the greenhouse. The grinned at each other and strided forward.

"Hello professor, can we talk to you for a minute?" The professor looked at them for a second, then, dismissing the Ravenclaw, she turned to them with a small smile. "How may I help you?" She questioned kindly.

"We wanted to know, if you could tell us more about the graguated Hufflepuff Nymphadora Tonks." Lee said kindly.

"I don't know how did you find about her. But nevertheless, she was a prankster just like you. But very intelligent and loyal to those close to her. She was sharp and brave but very clumsy. Used to fall a lot of times. Her prank once failed because of her clumsiness. She was trying to prank Mr.Filch. which got wrong and backfired on her. She got detentions from me and professor Snape for the whole year. she was on Hufflepuff Quidditch team.-"

Professor sprout spoke with a dreamy voice as she recalled her old memories, while, the three in front grinned at each other for getting some new information.

"-she was very intelligent. Didn't get anything below Exceeded Expections for both owls and newts. Became an Auror after graduation." She said, while the grins on Lee's face widened.

Looking at him, the twins sent him a questioning glance but he just waved it off. "Anything else you want to know boys?" She asked

"No professor, That is enought. But thank you very much for the information. " Lee said dragging the other two along with him.

Irritated, both the twins turned to Lee, who had a huge grin plastered to his face. "Sprout said that tonks joined the Auror Department in the ministry. And to our luck, the ex-head of Auror Department is teaching us dada this year." Lee explained.

Slowly, the twins grinned at each other and then the three started to dance. "I would have kissed you right here and now if you weren't a boy" Fred said.
But after a few seconds, Lee's face fell "the only problem is, moody freaks me out, and we have to ask him about his ex-profession."
The twins too, stopped dancing
"We'll figure it out." George said.

The evening, they spent finishing the aging potion. At 7, the great hall filled with students. Clattering of plates, goblets and spoons could be heard. Happy chattering from all the tables added to the sound.
After almost every student was in their seat, Dumbledore stood up, smiled and said "let the feast, begin."

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