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The next few days were passed with very much fun. While the Mauraders worked on pranks, studies and school stuff, the future lot spent almost all of their time trying to search a perfect spell to hide the words from map. Till now, they were able to make the writing disappear using a simple disillusionment charm. But they needed the ink to reappear on specific wordings, and so the future lot was doing all they could by making some changes with the charm.

One evening, the future lot was sitting in circle on Fred's bed, surrounding the map. The curtains were drawn around them.
"We found it. The spell for hiding the writings of the map" Tonks said excitedly as soon as she heard the door open.

"Moony, we got the spell, padfoot? Prongs? Wormtail?" Lee said, concerned.

They opened the curtains, and there she was. Her ovel shaped green eyes wide with fear, curiousity and caution. Her thick red fell behind her shoulders, and her wand pointed at the four sitting on the bed.

"Who are you?" She asked, her voice shaking a bit

"Lily Evans" Fred and George said with awe

"Who are you and how do you know me? What are you doing here and how do you know the nicknames of Mauraders?" She asked again. 

Just as Tonks started to answer, in came the Mauraders, wicked grins on their faces. But the moment they saw lily, their faces fell.

"Shit" they muttered

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