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The next day Sirius was very impatient. He couldn't wait to talk with his brother. This was a thoughts time, James thought, when Sirius was excited for something other than pranks, and that too, to meet his own brother.

The 7 people were sitting at the breakfast table. Now and then, Sirius looked at the Slytherin table to look at his brother only to find him behaving perfectly, like they had no secret plan of meeting.

Sirius was not sure why, but he had a feeling that this meeting would change Regulus' perspective of looking at Voldemort and that he might change sides.

The whole day, Sirius was so distracted by the idea that there was still chance for his brother, that he even forgot to call McGonagall Minnie and to cause any trouble at all, which, troubled James. While the whole day Sirius was distracted, James was being grumpy and left with Lily to handle.

As Peter had nothing to do in free time, he asked Remus to help him with Astronomy. Mary and Marlene tagged along.

The evening finally arrived. The 7 people sat at the Gryffindor table. James was finally able to take Sirius' attention away from Regulus. Not completely, but Sirius forgot to stare at the Slytherin table constantly.

But as the night grew nearer, Regulus was getting a bit jumpy. He knew that Sirius would come, no question. But he was not sure if their conversation would go civilly and without one hexing and cursing the other.

After every few minutes, Regulus looked up every few seconds only to find his brother enjoying his dinner, not a worry. Talking and laughing with his brother. Regulus doubted for a second if Sirius would ditch him again, but kept hopes that he wouldn't.

The dinner ended. After all the students left, the professor too, started to walk away when Dumbledore stopped McGonagall.

"Minerva, a word please" Nodding, McGonagall waited till all the professors went out of view. "Yes, Albus" McGonagall asked.

"I request you tell all the prefects, heads and Mr. Filch to not patrol the corridors near the kitchens today." Dumbledore said simply.

McGonagall eyes widened a bit. "Any specific reason for your request, Albus?"

"Let's just say that the meeting that is going to take place tonight near the kitchens is very essential. And I have no intention of delaying it because the two parties did not reach there on time" Dumbledore replied with a knowing look in his eyes.

"So you mean to tell me that two students are going to be out in the corridors after curfew and that you have not intention to stop them?" McGonagall asked raising her brows.

"Correct" Dumbledore said smiling up at her. McGonagall looked at him for a whole minute, thinking if it would be wise to let students wander in night; after all, these were dark times. Another part of her thinking was cautious, if again, like earlier, there were any...other dimension visitors who came back in time only to prank.

After thinking it safe to believe Dumbledore, she agreed and went straight to the classroom, where prefects were being assigned different corridors to patrol.

As soon as McGonagall left, Dumbledore stood up hurriedly and walked towards the kitchens. As he entered the kitchen, all the house elves left their work and came forward to bow him. Dumbledore smiled at them and called out some two of the elves who he trusted the most.

Taking them out of the kitchens, he asked them to do a work, to which, they both gladly accepted.

Satisfied, Dumbledore went back to his office, deciding to read one of the many Muggle books he had, his most favourite, The Wizard of Oz.

Dumbledore knew that the idea of making elves spy on someone was not the best he had, but he had a feeling that whatever Sirius might get to know, he will not tell everything to Dumbledore, in hopes of keeping his brothers image good.

Dumbledore was not angry that Sirius might hide something from him. If it had been his own brother's image, Dumbledore would have done the same. In fact, Dumbledore was hoping that Sirius would lie to him, just to protect his brother. This would show him that even though they disliked each other, they were brothers at heart.


Regulus did not change into his pyjamas even though it was pretty late. His roommates were already asleep, their curtains drawn. Half an hour before curfew, Regulus silenced his boots and walked out of the Slytherin common room, looking around cautiously.

Regulus deliberately chose the kitchens, because they were near his common room. Even if the meeting goes the other way, he could make a quick exit.

Quietly, Regulus made his way in front of the kitchens and hid in the shadows, waiting for his older brother to arrive.

Sirius took the invisibility clock and the Marauders map. Remus was sitting on his bed, completing the potions essay, while Peter was trying for Divination. James was warning Sirius to not start a fight by himself.

"I know Prongs." James nodded finally letting go. "Sirius, use Petrificus Totalus if anything does happen. Most effective in situation like this." Remus said not looking up from his book.

"C'mon, moony, I thought you too, would tell me not to seek out fight." Sirius said wrapping the cloak around himself.

"Nah....Prongs did that for me. I am just telling you a quick escape if he starts a fight" Remus said grinning. Sirius grinned back and walked out.

"Don't wait for me guys; I might take an hour or two if we keep talking. I will give you all the details tomorrow morning." Sirius said exiting the common room and walking towards the Kitchens to meet his brother.

Opening the map, he saw his brother already standing alone near the kitchen, but when he looked up, he saw no one in the dark. Looking at his map, he slowly moved behind his brother, smirking.

Quickly, Sirius covered Regulus' eyes with his hand. Regulus was just about to kick whoever it was, when Sirius spoke in a whisper. "Hiding in the dark are we?"

Regulus lowered his hands and smirked himself as he heard the smirk in his brother's voice.

"Hello brother, nice to meet you too"


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