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As soon as the door closed behind them, the four people were fired with questions. what happened?, is he going to out u?, do you have to go back?, is he going to punish you?, are you going to get detention?, are WE going to get detention?, what did he say?, did he take the time turner away?, is he angry?, is he going to send us and you to Azkaban?. 

"Chill, guys. He did not do any of the things, he is not angry, he is not giving us any detention nor send us to Azkaban." Tonks aid taking a seat. "Yeah, the only thing is he will know that it was us behind every prank executed from now" Fred and George said bitterly. "Aww...man that's worse than any of the listed things" James said. "Can't do anything now, can we?" everyone sat helplessly, thinking a way of pranking without letting anyone know" 

"I've got an Idea" Marlene perked up. Everyone looked up, hopeful again. "Huddle up" she whispered though there was no one else to listen. After whispering the idea, everyone's eyes were wide, mouth open and excitement radiating through them. "Though, transfiguration can be pretty harmful, and McGonagall has told us about Transfigurations gone wrong." James said. This was a delima. The prank was perfect, though James had a point. Everyone sat trying to think of a different method. Suddenly, Lily perked up, full of excitement "I've got it, huddle up!" Again, everyone huddled up. As soon as lily was done telling the idea, James exclaimed "Lily you are bloody brilliant. I love you, please marry me" James said with puppy eyes. Lily rolled her eyes, though, there was a big patch of red on her cheek. "Though that potion is higher level, where will we find the ingredients?" Mary asked. "Oi McDonald, did you have to disturb this blissful moment which was full of hopes?" James asked with false anger, Mary just shrugged "Just stating the facts, potter" "Yeah..right. Where will we get the information?"

Tonks perked up "I can do Snape's signature" Everyone's eyebrows furrowed "What will Snivellus' sign do us?" Peter asked. Tonks became downhearted "Right. Snape taught us potions. In our dimension, at least. I learned his sign because it was easiest" "That was very wrong of you" Lily said. Tonks shrugged "Suited him" Lee said darkly. "Why?" Remus asked sensing Lily's awkwardness. "Well, he was an awful professor. Downright bias. Even though Slytherin's faught, he always took points from the other house. He was particularly nasty to Gryffindor" Fred and George explained, the others gasped. "And he was especially opposed with Harry. Dont know what that kid did to receive such a bad treatment, though Snape always took points from him for no reason" Lee added. "Who's Harry?" James asked. Lee was just about to answer when Fred and George jumped on him covering his mouth "No one" They said in union. "He obviously wasn't no one" Lily remarked. "Ok. He was a very important person in our timeline. Dumbledore forbade us to tell you guys anything that happened in our dimension. "Ok" James shrugged the matter. "Back to the book and ingredients" Sirius said. 

"We can ask a 7th year student to lend his potions book and check if the process is written it those?" Peter suggested   "Brilliant Truly brilliant. I will go and ask, then we can together read it" James said and hurried back to the common room. 

After 10 minutes of waiting, James returned, a big grin on his face and a book under his arms. The whole afternoon was spent reading through 7th year book, chatting, teasing, and over all enjoying. After lunch, the 11 sat again to complete the remaining few pages. After the whole effort, though the time spent was full of enjoyment, their search did not yield any result and till the time of evening tea, all the 11 people were dejected. that is, until Lily suddenly remembered her potions submission and James suggested that Lily ask dear ol' Sluggy his permission to visit the restricted section for searching a potions book, for extra studies. Liking the idea immediately, Lily started her potions essay while others chatted happily. At the end end of an hour, Lily had completed her work. Instantly leaving, she reached the dungeons.

 In his classroom, drinking honey tea sat Slughorn, grading essays when he heard a knock. "Come in" He said joyfully, happy to have company. Entered one of his favourite students, lily evans, all flustered from running. "Ooo, Ms. Evans, would you like some water, you seem out of breath" Slughorn said filling water in a glass. "Thanks professor. I have completed my essay, would you please take it early?" Lily asked practically bouncing. "Surely why no?" Slughorn exclaimed "Would you like some tea?" Slughorn asked, pouring a cup for her, leaving no space for rejection. Bashfully, lily sat down and took the tea, politely sipping small amount of tea and searching a way to ask for Slughorn's sign. 

"I was reading about a potion the other day, professor. That potion caught my eye, though the book did not contain much information, so I asked Madam Pince if there was a book on exclusiv potions. She told me that there was one, in the restricted section, though" Lily added with fake sadness. "My dear, young minds and their curiosity. You should have asked it first, I would have written a permission slip for you earlier. Nevertheless...." Slughorn fished out a blank parchment from his drawer and immediately wrote a permission slip for Lily. Lily was glowing in her seat. Slughorn chuckled at her excitement. Lily made small talks with him for next 20 minutes, pleasing him. After, she ran all the way to the Gryffindor tower, where everyone sat chatting. 

entering the boys dorm, she saw sirius and tonks playing a heated game of chess and everyone around betting. She squealed, gaining everyone's attention. Waving the permission slip in her hand, she did a victory dance. Sirius openly laughed at her dance while James tried to stop him. "Let us party today to our success, what say? Anyone got some booze?" Lee asked "I love the idea, let's enjoy. You all prepare, till that time, i will search and bring the book. we can start reading that book tomorrow, what say?"Lily said. "A brilliant as usual" James exclaimed. 

So the work began. Lily went to the library in search of the book. Remus and tonks, James, Mary and Marlene went to the kitchens for snacks, and basically a lot of food. Sirius, staying in the dorm, prepared a kind of tent from blankets, cushions spread all over the floor, small light hangings littered around the sitting space, keeping a record player in between. Then, he tore several parchments and wrote different kind of truths and dares on the chits and stored it in a bowl. On one chit, he wrote ' french kiss james on lips' and kept it in his pocket, grinning wickedly.  

After almost an hour, everyone returned completing their own works. James, Mary, Marlene, Remus and Tonks returned their dorm with 2 or 3 house elves who carried numerous snacks and around 20 bottles of firewhiskey and 30 of butterbeer. They all set the food in between, just then, Lily entered the dorm, a big book in her arms, smiling broadly at her accomplishment and then looking at the decorations.

Leaving the book on a night stand, and joined the party. The party started with a bottle of firewhiskey each. They all happily chatted, steadily getting drunker. Around 9pm, Lily exclaimed "We missed our dinner"  Sirius grinned drunkenly, "Don't worry lilyflower, we have enough food. For now, let us play a game of truth and dare, shall we?" As everyone agreed and started playing, sirius stopped them "Wait, I have a rule, we have to choose a chit and without seeing it, alot it to anyone from the group. That person gets to choose the chit next" Everyone agreed again, and the game began. 

Peter ended up telling a story about his interaction with his crush and how he totally embarrassed  her in front of everyone, lee ended up telling his story of how he ended up asking out one of the examiner during his OWLS because of her wrists, James ended up doing a ballet dance, Mary and Marlene told they were gay for each other, Remus ended up kissing tonks, Fred and George had to tell them the and sirius doing a pole dance wearing proper bar dancer's clothes in Gryffindor colour.  It was now midnight and Sirius' turn to pick a chit. Subtly,  took out a chit from his pocket, hiding it in his hand, he put his hand in the bowl, and acted as if he was removing it from the bowl. Without another thought, he chose lily. Taking the chit from sirius, opened it, read, looked at everyone. Slowly rising from her seat, she went towards james, sat beside him and kissed him without another thought, on the mouth. Everyone around them sat shocked, except sirius, who looked smug. Even James looked shocked at first. But the alcohol was really working and the kiss started to heat up when sirius interrupted the kiss by a loud 'ahem' James was on cloud 9 as he constantly touched his lips, while lily became extra giggly. The night ended by the last dare for the twins, a dare, that would haunt their memory till their death. It was small, but nonetheless, a kiss, and they hated every moment of it. 

Unbeknown to anyone, Dumbledore had scooped inside sirius's mind and seen that there would be a game of truth and dare. He had placed a hidden camera in one corner of the room when Sirius had gone to washroom. As the students slept, Dumbledore visited their dorm room to collect the camera and found sirius still in his bar dress, lily, james cuddling alongside a cuddling couple of remus and tonks, mary and marlene sleeping with hands interlocked,  Lee drooling, fred and george with their backs to each other. Dumbledore clicked a picture, he barely controlled his laughter though  got out without noticed pretty easily. 

He hurriedly went to his office. Time was less, and there was much to prepare. 


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