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Beyoncé's POVLoud bumping and moaning sounded through the walls and woke me up in the middle of the night

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Beyoncé's POV
Loud bumping and moaning sounded through the walls and woke me up in the middle of the night. I looked over to see it was 3am. I stared at the ceiling patiently waiting for the noise to stop but it seemed to only get louder.

I threw myself out of bed and went next door. I banged on her door until the moaning stopped and waited for her to answer. A few seconds later the door swung open. 

"Can I help you?" Robyn asked with attitude heavy in her voice.

I sighed at her passive aggressiveness. She's mad at me. I get it. But there are better ways to handle this than to try provoking me.

"Are you with someone?" I asked trying to peek inside to see who she had up in there.

"Why you care?" She crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame blocking my view.

"Are we really about to do this?" I smacked my lips.

"No. We not" she said as she started to turn around and go back inside her apartment. I pulled her arm back. She rolled her eyes and lightly pushed me off.

"Robyn please.." I pleaded.

"Please what Beyoncé? I poured my heart out to you and you shitted on me. I can't keep putting my life on hold waiting on you to feel the same way about me"

"I was scared, okay? I was scared cause I didn't want you to end up hurting me"

She scoffed at my pathetic excuse. With that being said, she slammed the door in my face and left me standing there.

I meant to tell her how I felt when I got home last night but she wasn't home. Or at least she wasn't answering her door. I may have fucked up a good thing before it even started.

I spent the whole day at work thinking about Robyn. I couldn't even focus. I just let Kelly take over because I was about to say fuck it and let the girls freestyle and do whatever.

As we were packing up for the day Kelly asked me what was bothering me. I told her what was on my mind and she insisted that I go out and have some fun.

"Come onnn" Kelly dragged trying to get me to come out on the dance floor with her.

She took me to this spot downtown. I personally never been so it was all a new scenery for me. It was crowded and I really didn't feel like being out tonight. I just wanted to see Robyn.

It's like the universe heard my thoughts and answered my prayers.

I looked across the club and gazed at the hazel eyed beauty who already had her eyes on me. She had a girl on her arms but was looking at me as if I was the only girl in the room.

I could feel my heart in my stomach. Is she gonna come up to me? Or maybe I should go up to her. With the blink of an eye she was out of sight. I pushed through the crowd of people to see where she had gone.

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