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Beyoncé's POV I'm a dance instructor at a small dance studio

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Beyoncé's POV
I'm a dance instructor at a small dance studio. We teach young girls all the way up to young adults. Sometimes it's hard teaching the younger girls because there's always that one student that wanna be rebellious and make things difficult.

The girls were all talking in the corner when I noticed that their break ended a few minutes ago. I clapped to get their attention. "Girls, break is over. Let's practice these steps one more time"

I heard a few groans and sighs leave their lips but I wasn't bothered. I was used to it. Most of the girls parents force them to take dance lessons even though they don't really care for dance at all.

"From the top" I instructed, pressing play on the boom box.

I watched closely as everyone, well mainly everyone did the dance correctly. This girl, Zendaya, who gives me the most trouble out of everyone started to freestyle her dance moves.

I rolled my eyes and stopped the music.

"Daya. That is not the routine I showed you" I breathe out in frustration.

She shrugged. "I forgot so I made my own"

"Would anyone like to volunteer and show Zendaya the routine since she seem to have forgotten"

Zendaya raised her eyebrow and looked at the girls. I did the same, hoping someone would step up. I sighed when no one did.

"Okay! This is my last time showing you so pay attention" I warned. They all stood against the wall and set their eyes on me. Zendaya smirked before pressing play on the boom box.

The girls watched closely to every move I made. I looked in the mirror to see Zendaya scrolling through her phone, not paying any attention to me. In the small second of my distraction, I misstepped and twisted my ankle. I fell and held my ankle in pain.

"Oooh" I heard the girls reaction.

"Are you sure you want us to do it exactly like that Ms. K?" Zendaya spoke, failing to hold in her laugh.

I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw at her comment. "Call your rides girls. Class dismissed"


I limped all the way up the stairs to my apartment. They really need to install a elevator or something. I was bumping all over the walls trying not to put any weight on my foot.

"I thought I heard something" Robyn said coming out of her apartment. "What happened?" She asked walking up to me, I was in the process of hopping the last stair.

"I sprained my ankle" I sighed holding onto the wall.

"Here, let me help" she insisted. I nodded and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. I thought she was just gonna let me use her body as support but she lifted me off my feet instead.

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall" she reassured me, but I still wrapped both of my arms around her just in case.

She carried me bridal style all the way to my door. I held onto her tighter as I unlocked it. She better not drop me.

"Where's your room?" She asked.

"All the way down the hall, the door on the right" I told her.

Robyn has never been this far in my apartment before. I usually come over to her place when I wanted some company. She doesn't mind. She actually likes having me around.

She gently laid me down on my bed and stood up straight. 

"Thank you" I smiled. "No problem" she cheesed before leaving my room. I took my hair down from its messy bun and took my top off. Robyn came back in my room just as I was unhooking my bra.

"Robyn!" I said covering my exposed area. "Cover your eyes"

"Oh shit. I'm sorry bey" She quickly used her hand to cover her eyes while I put my shirt back on.

"You can look now" I told her. "I thought you left"

She cleared her throat, taking her eyes off my chest and putting them back on my face.

"I went to go make an ice pack but I couldn't find any plastic bags" she said flashing me a bag of frozen peas from behind her back.

I smiled, shaking my head. "Thank you"

"Can I?" She raised her eyebrow, looking over at my bed.

"Just come in" I said motioning for her to come sit down.

"Alright!" She cheered sitting on the edge of my bed, where my foot was. She leaned over and placed the frozen peas on my ankle.

I closed my eyes and groaned at the soothing feeling. My ankle has been throbbing since I twisted it.

"Tough day, huh?" She asked shifting the bag smoothly across my foot.

I nodded. "Dealing with a student from hell"

"Anyway I can make it better?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't hold in my smile. I knew there was a reason why she was being so sweet.

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting with me" I shook my head.

"I'm just playin.. unless?" She raised her eyebrow in question. "Robyn" I sighed running my hand through my hair.

She laughed and stood up. "Okay okay" she dragged. "How bout I show you my really bad dance moves?"

She cleared her throat and scratched her head, realizing she didn't actually know any dance moves. "Ooh, I got one" She put her arms out front and leaned side to side, doing the Dougie.

I smiled wide and started hyping her up because it actually wasn't bad. She stuck her tongue out, starting to feel herself. I laughed and threw a pillow at her.

She laughed along with me and sat back down, tending to my ankle.

"Okay I see you with the moves" I laughed. "That really wasn't bad Rob"

"Thank you" she said laughing along with me. "Maybe you could dance for me sometime" she bit her lip staring into my eyes.

I playfully rolled my eyes, "If you wanna see me dance, you know my hours"

She took the frozen peas off my ankle and placed her right hand on my foot and her left hand on my ankle.

"How does it feel now?" She whispered massaging it slowly.

I bit my bottom lip and tilted my head to the side. Her touch was soft and warm. She was so close I could feel her breath on my skin. It felt good.

"I think it's better" I answered. I cleared my throat, for some reason it just got really hot in here. "You can go now"

"You sure there isn't anything else you need?" She asked staring deep into my eyes, searching for an answer.

I could feel my heart picking up it's pace. For the first time she was starting to make me nervous. I ran my now sweaty palms on my covers and nodded.

She looked between my eyes and lips before standing up. "Well, goodnight beautiful"

"Goodnight" I said, avoiding eye contact with her. I felt like if I gave her one more look, I'd rip my clothes off myself. I thought I wasn't attracted to her but it turns out I was wrong.

As soon as I heard the front door close I reached over and grabbed my vibrator from inside my nightstand. I exhaled and pictured her as I turned the device on.

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