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Beyoncé's POV I was still upset with Robyn for some reason

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Beyoncé's POV
I was still upset with Robyn for some reason. For the first time in a while I thought someone was being genuine to me about their feelings and then she goes and kiss some girl right in front of me.

I confided in Kelly and Nicki over lunch and told them about what's been going on with me and Robyn lately. I told them about how I thought it was best to stay away from her and they agreed.

They wanted to see me happy of course but they didn't know if Robyn could be committed to just one girl. And neither did I.

It's barely been a week and I've realized it's kind of hard to avoid someone that lives right across the hall from you.

I was getting ready for work when someone came knocking on the door. I sighed watching Solange walk in with Julez. I knew she still hasn't hired a babysitter for him and wanted me to watch him again.

I love my nephew but she can't keep showing up randomly asking for favors, especially if she not paying me for it.

"Please bey?!" She whined sticking out her bottom lip. "Just for a few hours"

"Why haven't you hired a babysitter yet Solange?" I huffed running my hand over my face. I couldn't watch him right now, I had to go to the studio.

"I will. I promise. I just keep forgetting"

"I got work" I shrugged walking to the kitchen. She told julez to go sit down before following me into the kitchen.

"Can't you just cancel classes for today?" She asked. I went in the freezer and pulled a breakfast sandwich out and heated it up in the microwave. "Come on bey. I got no one else to watch him, you know that"

I sighed knowing that I had no choice but to say yes. I pointed at her. "This is my last time watching him for you"

She nodded her head and hugged me. "Thank you juju"

"You better get this job" I mumbled while pulling away from the hug.

"You the best sister I got!" She said kissing julez and leaving.

"I'm the only sister you got" I yelled back at her.

I took the breakfast sandwich out of the microwave and cut it in half. "You hungry?" I asked looking at julez from the kitchen.

"Yes auntie" he answered, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Come here baby" I pulled out a chair so he could sit and eat at the table. I placed the plate on the table and grabbed the other half of the sandwich for myself.

My phone started to ring. I finished my sandwich before picking it up.

"I shouldn't have to call you more than once to get an answer Beyoncé"

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