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Beyoncé's POV I was so happy that Robyn took the time to actually make me feel special on my birthday when my own boyfriend forgot

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Beyoncé's POV
I was so happy that Robyn took the time to actually make me feel special on my birthday when my own boyfriend forgot. I didn't even hear from him that whole day. But of course here he was knocking on my door with some sorry explanation.

"What do you want?" I folded my arms staring at the pathetic man in front of me.

"I can explain" he started. I opened the door wider, allowing him to step inside. "I got called into work"

I scoffed. "You're a liar" That's probably the first excuse that popped up in his head. So pathetic.

He frowned. "You don't believe me?"

"You never even made the reservation you lyin ass nigga. I'm so tired of your shit"

"Watch how you talk to me" I warned pointing his finger in my face.

"I waited hours for you to show up. You embarrassed me. You ain't no real nigga. If you was you would've went all out for me"

I was so heated that I said the first thing that came to mind, not thinking of the consequences. "Watch your fucking mouth bey or I swear to God I'll-"

"Or you'll what?" I interrupted his attempt on threatening me. "I don't even know why I'm wasting my time with a sorry nigga like you. I'm done. Just get out! Go" I pushed him hard towards the door, resulting in him drawing his hand back as far as he could and smacking it across my face.

"Bitch, I said watch how you talk to me!" He yelled.

He was angry. I could see it in his eyes. He cupped my neck and slammed me hard against the wall. I clawed ferociously at his arm when his grip around my neck got tighter.

"I.. can't.." I tried to form some kind of sentence while struggling to find air. "Breathe"

"I'm sick of you always nagging me" he stared into my eyes in disgust. I knew he had a bad temper but I never seen him get this angry before.

"I could kill you right now and no one would even notice your gone" he gritted through his teeth.

He kept his grip until I began to lose consciousness. My eyes got heavy and he started to become a blur. He let go of me and I fell to the floor. I gasped roughly, relieved to be receiving air in my lungs. I took deep breaths before saying anything. I stared at the wooden floor not bothering to lay eyes on him.

"I hate you. I never wanna see you again" My voice was hoarse but I'm sure he heard me loud and clear. He scoffed and stormed out the front door, making sure to slam it behind him.

a few days later...

"I hate him" I shrugged.

Solange rolled her eyes and poured hot water into a mug, placing the tea bag inside and handing it to me.

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