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Solanges POV I came by Beyoncé's place to tell her that I finally got a interview for a good paying job

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Solanges POV
I came by Beyoncé's place to tell her that I finally got a interview for a good paying job. I know she's tired of me coming by with julez so much so she'll definitely be happy to hear it.

As I was walking towards beys door, I saw Robyn heading into her apartment.

"Hey Robyn" I caught her before she could place her key in the doorknob.

"Hey" she spoke dryly mot bothering to turn around and look at me.

I frowned, it wasn't like Robyn to have this kind of energy. Everytime I see her she's always so bubbly and sweet so I was worried.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

She scoffed and shook her head. "Nothing"

I looked down and saw her holding a bouquet of flowers. "You can talk to me" I nudged her.

"I got stood up" she sighed, shrugging her shoulders as if it didn't matter to her.

"Now what girl would be crazy enough to stand you up?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Beyoncé" she said lowly.

"What!?" I said a little louder than I thought.

I can't believe Beyoncé did something like that. Robyn shrugged again, looking down with these sad puppy dog eyes. I felt bad for her.

"Are you in love with my sister?" I asked gently.

She tried to fight to smile that appeared on her face, but failed miserably. Well I guess that's my answer right there.

"Then why not just tell her robyn? You're many things but shy isn't one of them"

"It's not that easy sol. I can't just tell her how I feel. Especially not when I don't know if she feels the same way. I'm just not used to being vulnerable like this" she admitted.

"I'll talk to her" I told her.

I motioned for her to come here and gave her a hug. She handed me the flowers and told me that she didn't want them.

I personally approve of Robyn. I know my opinion doesn't really matter but I don't think she'd ever hurt Bey. And I don't see why she doesn't give her a chance. It never hurt nobody to try.

I opened the door and immediately caught a attitude with Beyoncé. She was laughing while watching show on tv like she didn't know what she did. I walked over and turned the tv off.

"Hey! Whatchu do that for" She asked standing up.

I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. "Why'd you stand Robyn up?"

She furrowed her eyebrows. "Stand Robyn up?" She repeated as if she didn't hear me the first time I said it.

"You were supposed to go on a date with Robyn tonight" I pushed the bouquet of flowers into her chest.

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