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Beyoncé's POV I rejected Robyn so many times, now she doesn't want anything to do with me

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Beyoncé's POV
I rejected Robyn so many times, now she doesn't want anything to do with me. I probably ruined my chance at having something good. I couldn't help but toss and turn through the night. I felt terrible. I wish I could rewind time and do things differently with her.

Robyn's been trying to get me for months so I don't mind doing everything I can to win her back. I need to show her that I'm serious and that I really want to be with her. I don't care how long it takes. Just like she once told me, "I'm not gonna stop trying"

I took the day off to do what I needed to do to get my girl back. It was Valentine's Day so the store was packed with last minute shoppers. By the time I was done cruising through the store I had a basket full of things.

I was on my way to check out when my basket bumped into someone else's. It was Robyn favorite groupie hoe, Kehlani.

"Excuse you" she smacked her lips adding a eye-roll.

I laughed and shook my head. I started to back my cart up but she had something else to say.

"What's so funny?" She scowled at me.

"I'm sorry, did I do something to make you mad, sweetheart?" I asked wondering what her issue was with me. She always had a hint of an attitude every time I saw her.

"I just don't like home-wrecking hoes that try and steal my girl" she snapped.

I rolled my eyes. It's sad to see her so upset over someone who was ready and willing to drop her in a heartbeat for me.

"If I could take her from you, then she was never really yours, now was she?" I clapped back knowing I didn't have Robyn yet.

I guess I was getting her back from all the times she rubbed her being with Robyn in my face. It felt good to finally rub something in her face for once, even if it wasn't true.

Her lips crumbled into a frown. She looked like she wanted to cry, fight, and scream all at the same time. But I didn't come here for the drama. I left her there speechless. I had plans tonight and I don't need nobody tryna come and ruin this for me.

I got to the apartment complex and started setting everything up. Don't ask me how but I know Robyn's work schedule so I knew what time she'd be coming up the steps. I wasn't much of a romantic but I'll try my best to make this moment rememberable.

Robyn's POV
I hurried home so I wouldn't bump into more people flaunting their gifts around. I was so tired of seeing all of these couples today. I might sound bitter, that's just because I'm spending Valentine's Day alone this year. I dropped all of my hoes for Beyoncé and I don't even have her.

She was the first girl to ever make me wanna change my ways. I never had a serious relationship before. I couldn't even see myself being completely committed with one person. But Beyoncé, she changed all of that. Having hoes doesn't mean anything to me anymore. I wanted something real. I thought we had that.

I walked inside the complex and it was crowded with gifts. Are you kidding me? Just when I thought I was getting away from it.

I made my way up the stairs confused on who just left all this stuff here. There were flowers, stuffed animals, and a bunch of balloons that said I love you in every language I could name leading up the stairway. I picked up some of the stuff that was in my walking way and kept walking towards my apartment.

I turned and at the end of the hall and Beyoncé was standing there with a bouquet of flowers in her hand. I could feel my eyes starting to water as I slowly walked up to her.

"Y-You did all this for me?" I choked up a bit on my words.

"I'm so sorry for hurting you. I know I broke your heart and you didn't deserve that. And I can't apologize enough for how I treated you.. I should've known it a long time ago but now it's clear that you're the one for me. The feeling I get when I'm with you is different than anything I've ever felt in my life. I never wanna lose that feeling. I love you Robyn. I'm so in love with you. I always have been. I should've never let anything get in the way of showing you that. But if you let me, I'll never go a day without making you feel wanted again" she finally expressed her feelings.

I exhaled a shaky breath. I was hearing everything I wanted to hear but I was still hurt.

"Here I am ready to move on and your telling me all of this" my voice cracked as I shook my head.

Beyoncé's POV
Tears were spilling down her cheeks. I wiped every last one of them off of her face. I didn't want to see her cry anymore. I wanted to make her smile. The same way I do every time I see her.

She tried to walk passed me but I stopped her. I softly grazed my fingers across her cheek and stared into her enchanting eyes.

"One kiss and if you feel nothing, I'll never ask again"

She looked down and tried to hide the small smile growing on her face as she recalled me saying the same thing she once said before we shared our first kiss together.

She lifted up my chin. "Just one kiss"

She held me by my waist as I wrapped my arms around her neck. She kissed me with the same desire she had before. But this time I was the one who got a little carried away in it.

I pulled away and I could see by the look in her eyes that she felt the same thing I did. Her face was bright red and her smile was so wide even she couldn't hide it.

"So.. are you still willing to settle down with me?" I bit my lip while rocking side to side.

"Hmm" She tapped her chin and looked up in thought. "I don't know yet" she closed her eyes and her lips puckered up.

I cuffed her cheeks and latched my lips onto hers. I imagined fireworks exploding in the background as I was the witness to my own beautiful love story.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I batted my eyelashes and cheesed.

She nodded her head as her lips curved into a smile. "I'm all yours"

My girlfriend pulled me in for another sweet kiss before hugging me. I smiled even wider in her arms. I finally got the girl I've been dreaming of all my life.

"See I knew you loved me" she spoke knowingly while wrapping her arm around my shoulder.

"Oh did you now?" I laughed as we walked towards her apartment.

So.. I've come to the realization that love might be easy after all. I never thought I would find someone like Robyn and now that I have her, I'll never let her go. Because this kind of love you'll only find once in a lifetime.

This is the last chapter of Once in a Lifetime. Thank you for reading! :)

 Thank you for reading! :)

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I am going to write one more story.

Should I post the first chapter now to see what you guys think or wait until I can be consistent with updates? Let me know!

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