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Beyoncé's POVSoo

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Beyoncé's POV
Soo.. maybe I forgot to mention I have a boyfriend. I hardly get to see him because he's always traveling so I guess sometimes I forget we're even together.

He's a lightskinned beauty with eyes the color of the ocean. I been seeing Michael for almost a year now and we're already going through ups and downs in our relationship.

He has these mood swings that I can't stand. We'll be laughing together one second and then seconds later he's angry. I'm starting to think he's bipolar. Or just straight up has deep routed anger issues. Besides from that everything is perfect with him. He makes me feel good most of the time.

Today is my birthday and I'm meeting Michael at this fancy restaurant he knew I been wanting to try. He told me a week ago that he made reservations so I just showed up at the time he told me to be there.

I expected a text or call from him earlier today to tell me happy birthday but he never did. I slipped on a black skin tight dress that stopped right above my knee. I applied red lipstick on and put light makeup on my face. I was the first to arrive at the restaurant so I went to get seated.

"Hi. I have a reservation" I said to the lady.

"Name?" the hostess asked.

"Michael Ealy" I replied, assuming it was under his name.

I waited for her to find it so I could be seated. "I don't have anything under that name. Maybe another name?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, there must be some mistake because he told me last week that he placed a reservation. "Try Beyonce Knowles"

The woman shook her head. "I'm sorry ma'am there's no reservations under those names, but you could wait to be seated if you'd like"

"How long is the wait?" I asked.

"How many people in your party?"

"Just 2"

"An hour and thirty minutes" she smiled politely.

"Fine" I hugged rolling my eyes. The hostess gave me a device to let me know when my table was ready.

Why did he lie and say he already made the reservations. I started calling and texting him after seeing he still hasn't shown up and his phone was going straight to voicemail. Where is he?

I was beyond annoyed when I was finally seated and he still was nowhere to be found. Something tells me that I just got stood up. On my birthday..

As much as I wanted to eat here, I didn't bother ordering. I waited long enough for him. I made my way home.

I walked slowly up the stairs to my apartment, feeling so shitty about being stood up.

"Finally" Robyn said stepping outside her place. "I was wondering when you'd get home" I smiled shaking my head, it's like she can sense when I'm in the hallway.

"Hey Robyn" I gave her a small smile not really in the mood to have a conversation.

I dug in my purse for my keys.

"Wait wait wait" she said stopping me. "Damn you look good" she took a step back to analyze me. "Do a spin for me?" She bit her lip, looking me up and down.

I held in my laugh and twirled around in a circle for her.

"Mhn, mhn, mhn" she hummed shaking her head.

"Goodnight Robyn" I laughed continuing to search for my keys.

"No wait. Come here" she insisted, I groaned as she took my hand and dragged me inside her apartment.

"Stay right here" she instructed before wondering off.

A few seconds later she came back holding a cupcake with a lit candle in the middle of it. She started singing happy birthday, causing me to smile out from ear to ear.

"Make a wish babe"

I licked my lips and shut my eyes before blowing the candlelight out.

"You Remembered" I said taking the cupcake from her hands.

"I'd never forget" she smiled. "Hold on. I got something else for you, I'll be right back!"

She rushed to her room and came back just as quick as she left. She bit her lip and wiggled her eyebrows, revealing the item she had concealed behind her back.

"Robyn, what is this?" I smiled playfully rolling my eyes.

"Just open it" she smirked taking the cupcake from my hands and replacing it with the gift.

I wasted no time in opening it. It's the only gift I got today so I was excited to see what it was. My jaw dropped to the ground when I finally saw what was inside. She got me a vvs diamond necklace.

"Oh Robyn" I could barely find any words to say, staring at the beauty of the sparkling diamonds. "Robyn I can't accept this. This must've cost you-

She shook her head and waved me off, completely dismissing what I was about to say. "Don't worry about the price Bey. All the diamonds in the world couldn't amount to you. And I'm not taking it back so don't even try it"

"I- I don't even know what to say. This is the nicest thing I've ever gotten in my whole life" My eyes started to water from how kind she was. I looked up in her eyes and said, "Thank you"

"Let me put it on you. You look so gorgeous tonight, I know it'll fit perfect with this dress" she said taking the necklace out of the case.

She walked up behind me. I moved my hair to the side, allowing her to clasp the expensive piece of jewelry around my neck. I closed my eyes feeling her breath on the back of my neck.

She moved my hair back where it was and faced me. She stepped back to admire me. "Beautiful" I felt my cheeks light up getting a feeling she wasn't talking about the necklace.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her in for what felt like the longest hug. I was so appreciative for this gift, it really meant a lot to me.

I finally pulled away and cupped her chin. She closed her eyes and puckered her lips as I leaned in. I planted a soft kiss on her cheek and wiped away the print it left with my thumb.

"Thank you again Robyn" a wide smile escaped my lips as I walked out of her apartment and on to mine.

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