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Beyoncé's POV When I walked into my apartment complex there were police officers downstairs

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Beyoncé's POV
When I walked into my apartment complex there were police officers downstairs. I tried my best not to be nosy so I just went upstairs to my building. Before I went to my own place, I knocked on Robyn's door to see if she knew what was going on.

"Hey you know what happened downstairs?" I asked.

"Someone broke in the Johnsons downstairs. Maybe you should stay with me tonight? You know.. just in case they come back" she suggested.

"Is this one of your plans to get me in bed?" I smirked raising my eyebrow.

She scoffed in a laugh, before shaking her head at the thought. "No. I'd just sleep a lot better knowing you were safe"

A smile plastered across my face. "If your scared, just say that"

She lightly chuckled. "Just come over"

I doubt whoever broke in downstairs was gonna come back but I didn't mind spending the night with her to ease her mind.

"You better not try anything either" I warned, pointing my finger at her.

"As long as you don't make me promise" she said, opening her door wider allowing me to come inside.

"Are you smoking right now?" I asked, noticing the perfectly rolled blunt placed behind her ear. I smacked my lips. "Robyn you know I hate that smell"

"It's not about the smell. It's about the feeling" she removed the blunt and handed it to me. "This some good shit" she told me. I playfully rolled my eyes.

I held the blunt in between my lips and she sparked the lighter. I puffed twice and inhaled the smoke before blowing it out. My throat started to burn and I coughed vigorously. She rushed to get some cold water from the refrigerator. I handed her the blunt in exchange for the drink. Once I calmed down she smiled cheekily at me.

"I told you it was that good shit" she laughed.

"It's nasty" I said chugging down more water.

She shrugged. "Its cool if you can't handle it"

I scoffed in a laugh "You don't think I can handle it?"

She held the blunt between her lips and shook her head. "I didn't say that" she walked off to her bedroom.

"I can handle it Robyn. It's just been a while" I protested, I didn't want her to think I was a beginner. I smoked before, I just wasn't a fan of it.

"Whatever you say bey" she replied as she climbed into her bed and laid down.

I knew I didn't have to prove her anything but I wanted to. I wanted to show her that I can let my hair down and relax just like her. I laid down next to her and took the blunt from her lips. We finished the blunt and I thought it was over until she pulled out another one. I tapped out halfway through the second one and let her finish the rest.

We stared at each other and talked about anything and everything that could come to mind. Robyn had to be the most easy-going person I've ever met in my life. She wasn't hard to get along with at all. I loved that about her.

She caressed my face and leaned in so close that our noses were touching. I stared into her eyes. They were hypnotizing. More beautiful than watching the stars surround the moon.

She leaned in again, almost touching my lips until I slowly backed away.

"Is this you not trying anything?"

"I never promised anything" She smiled. I shook my head and laughed. "I know you want me Bey. I can see it in your eyes"

"Oh is that right?" I raised my eyebrow in question, wanting to hear more of her thoughts.

"Stop fighting it. Just let us happen" she spoke lightly, not looking anywhere but my eyes. I didn't say anything, just stared back. "One kiss and if you feel nothing I'll never ask again"

I tilted my head and stared at her lips. "Just one kiss?"

She nodded. I rubbed my lips together and leaned in, planting my lips on hers. I pulled away before she got a chance to kiss me back.

"Oh come on! That was a peck" she was clearly upset, but in my defense, she never said how long the kiss had to be.

"You didn't say how long" I laughed. She smacked her lips and I laughed even harder. "You're such a baby"

"Whatever" she was about to turn over but I grabbed her shoulder, pulling her back. My hand traveled to the back of her neck.

She looked between my eyes and lips. She eagerly leaned forward, but I backed up, again. She smacked her lips once again. "Stop playing"

"Calm down" I whispered. I knew she was growing impatient but I didn't want her to kiss me so fast that she wouldn't get the chance to enjoy it.

I slowly placed my lips around hers. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arm around my waist. She pulled me closer and deepened the kiss. My heart rate quickened it's pace when she grabbed a hand full of my ass.

I rubbed my hand down her back as she hovered over my body, not daring to break the kiss for a second. I parted my lips to get some air, she took that as an opportunity to slide her tongue inside.

She adjusted herself in between my legs as our tongues battled each other for dominance. I'm afraid that was a battle I could not win. She was so strong and passionate, so full of desire like she's been longing for this all her life. She kissed me like she was never gonna see me again.

Her hand sneaked it's way up my shirt but I stopped her from moving up any further. I finally broke away from the kiss and she breathed out a happy smile. I tried to hide my smile, lightly pushing her off of me.

"You good?" I asked, seeing how red her face was.

"Yea, I just got a little carried away" she admitted, laying down beside me.

"I know" I thought it was so cute that she didn't even try to hide the fact that she was blushing.

"Well?" She asked.

"Well what?" I questioned.

"Did you feel anything?" She asked. I had completely forgotten about all of that the moment her lips touched mine.

"Oh" I smiled, now I was the one blushing. "I'm.. not sure"

"I can always kiss you again. You know.. so you can be sure" she smirked turning her nose towards me.

"What happened to you never asking again?" I laughed.

"Well.. it doesn't count unless your sure"

I cuffed her chin and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight Robyn" I whispered before turning over and closing my eyes.

I was soon hit with the warmth of her body. She wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me into her arms before whispering, "Goodnight beautiful"

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