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Beyoncé's POVMy sleep was interrupted by the sound of loud music

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Beyoncé's POV
My sleep was interrupted by the sound of loud music. I groaned upsettingly and forced myself out of bed. I didn't even bother to do my morning routine before making my way across the hall where my next door neighbor was blasting reggae music.

I knocked on her door hard and didn't stop until the door opened. The door swung open and the smile on the woman's face widen when she saw me. She was peacefully dancing with a joint between her lips.

"What is wrong with you? Do you know what time it is?!" I tried shouting above the music, which seemed impossible. She took the blunt from her lips and blew the smoke out to the side.

She turned the music down a little and smirked. "Has anyone ever told you that you look so beautiful in the morning?"

"Turn it off!" I yelled stomping back to my apartment and slamming the door behind me.

So let me give you the run down on the one and only Robyn Fenty. She has a known reputation of.. well, let's just say Robyn has different girls coming out of her apartment everyday.

She's a fashion designer so she meets a lot of models and always ends up sleeping with them. Now I don't wanna be that nosy neighbor but she does put it out there. I don't think she's had one stable relationship as long as we've been neighbors.

I threw myself back in bed. She knows I needs my full eight hours of sleep or I'll have an attitude all day. I swear she just does this stuff on purpose to bother me.

I groaned because I wasn't able to go back to sleep. I washed up. I stepped out the bathroom hearing my stomach growl. I looked in the refrigerator and saw that there was no food.

There was a knock on my door. I hope it wasn't Robyn coming to try and sweet talk me again. I answered the door and my little sister walked inside with my nephew fast asleep in her arms.

"Hey, why you here so early?"

"I need a favor" she poked out her bottom lip. I sighed, afraid that I already had an idea of what she was gonna ask me.

"I have an interview in an hour and I forgot to hire a babysitter. Can you please be a good auntie and watch him while I'm gone?" She begged.

I playfully rolled my eyes taking the baby from her arms. "You lucky I love you" I whispered. She chuckled and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you bey" she opened the door and gave julez a kiss on his forehead.

"Good luck!"

"Thank you" she mouthed.

"Hey Solange, lookin' good girl" Robyn smirked walking out of her apartment. "That's that after baby glow"

"He's three" she told her.

"And you still glowing" she smiled cheekily. I exhaled out my nose and shook my head.

"Bye Robyn" she laughed not paying my thirsty neighbor any mind.

"Do you ever stop?" I questioned raising my eyebrow.

"What? I can't say hi now?" She asked stepping closer to me. "Don't worry bey. You know you got my heart" she smiled, placing her hand on her chest.

I playfully rolled my eyes and smirked. "You wanna know the quickest way to my heart?"

"Tell me and watch how fast I get there" She said leaning against the door frame. She stared in my eyes, licking her fully plump lips.

"Food. You got anything to eat?"

"Damn" she sighed shaking her head. "Unless you like day old pizza. I'm sorry babe"

I cursed under my breath realizing I'm gonna have to go to the store after all.

"But I can take you out" she eagerly spoke, clearly not wanting to miss this opportunity.

"I can't" I shrugged.

"Well why not?"

I pointed my eyes to the obvious child I was holding in my hands. She palmed her forehead and smiled. "I got so lost in your eyes I didn't even realize"

"You are so good" I smiled shaking my head at her line. I can't lie, she was sweet. But this is Robyn we're talking about here. I'm pretty sure she has a half naked girl laying in her bed right now.

"Next time then?" She asked implying on taking me out on a date.

"Maybe" I smirked, making her smile. She patted the wall in excitement and winked before walking away.


I had no idea how to start this story..
If you want me to continue comment below! Let me know what you guys think.

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