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Beyoncé's POVI was at a coffee shop with my homegirls, Nicki and Kelly

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Beyoncé's POV
I was at a coffee shop with my homegirls, Nicki and Kelly. It's been a minute since we all hung out. Kelly and I worked together at the dance studio but Nicki moved out of state a few months ago. She was only in town for the weekend so we were taking this opportunity to catch up with each other.

We were sitting at our table catching up while waiting for our order to be ready. The door opened and I couldn't help but smile at who walked inside. Robyn. I hid my smile so that my nosy friends wouldn't notice.

Robyn looked over at us and waved. She came over to greet everybody before she got in line to place her order.

"Quick, cover your eyes!" Nicki said before shielding her face with her hands. I subtly laughed at her silliness and playfully slapped her arm.

Nicki made this joke years ago about how if you look into Robyn's eyes for too long, you'll end up sleeping with her.

"Ha, Ha, Ha" Robyn said mockingly, rolling her eyes at her silly joke. She said hello to Kelly and gave her a hug.

"I'm just playin" Nicki cheesed innocently showing off her dimple.

She put her arms out and gestured for Robyn to come give her a hug. Once Robyn was in her arms she wouldn't let her go. She was practically squeezing the life out of her.

"Nicki, let her go!" I whisper-yelled at the girl to release Robyn from her grip.

Robyn broke free and shook her head in laughter before she walked off to get in line. I sucked my tooth. Did she really just walk off without saying something to me?

"Number 23" the cashier finally called out our order number. I got up because I was the one that insisted on paying and stood in line next to Robyn.

"So you can't speak?" I asked.

"Oh I'm sorry, I guess your friend just distracted me for a second" she wrapped her arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple. "Hey beautiful"

"Hey" I smiled and pushed a fallen strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I know Nicki makes those jokes but I hope you know I'd drop all of these girls in a heartbeat" she said.

"Is that right?" I raised my eyebrow questionably.

"But only for you" she added.

For some reason she made me nervous. No one has ever made my body heat up like this before. I could feel the sweat forming in the palm of my hands and my heart was damn near beating out of my chest. I couldn't help but wonder if what she was saying was true. Would she really settle down for me?

A woman with dark hair and tattoos all over her body walked inside and snuck a kiss on Robyn's lips. The smile on my face immediately dropped and my heart rate quickly slowed down. Seeing another girl kiss her upset me and it was clear to see. Robyn pulled away and nervously bit her lip.

"Am I interrupting something?" She smirked sliding her hand in Robyn's.

Robyn cleared her throat. "Uh.. Bey this is my friend Kehlani, keh this is Beyoncé"

"Oh I didn't know you had a girlfriend" I said forcing a smile on my face. They both laughed at my comment.

"Girlfriend? Robyn settling down? Now that's funny" Kehlani said through her laughter.

Robyn scoffed at her friends sleazy comment. "I could settle down. For the right girl" she said looking over at me.

"Right" I rolled my eyes at her before plastering another fake smile. "Well it was nice meeting you" I lied. I grabbed our food and drinks and went back to the table with my girls.

How could I be so stupid? All this time I thought Robyn was nice to me because she liked me. It was silly of me to think that Robyn was serious about the things she said to me. She just wanted one thing and I wasn't trying to be another name to cross off her hit list. 

"I'm surprised Bey ain't fell for Robyn yet. You know she was all over her when she first moved in" I overheard Kelly say on my way over to my seat.

"Girl please. I know you saw the way she hugged me, she wants me" Nicki smirked flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"She basically had to pry your arms off of her" she laughed.

"Tsk. You just mad cause you ain't get no hug" Nicki teased. I sighed, not wanting to hear my friends argue over Robyn.

"Um, I'm pretty sure she hugged me first" Kelly said as a matter of factly.

"A side hug don't count as a real hug, Kelly"

"I don't know why I'm going back and forth with you, I don't even care"

"Jealous ass" Nicki said under her breath.

Kelly rolled her eyes, choosing to ignore Nicki's pettiness. "So what's been going on with y'all?"

I zoned out as I watched Robyn all hugged up on her friend. They were being so flirtatious it was making me sick to my stomach. I was jealous and had no reason to be. Robyn didn't belong to me and I damn sure wasn't hers.

I guess somewhere in these past few months I actually was starting to develop some feelings for her.

Kehlani made eye contact with me. Naturally I would look away if I got caught staring at someone but I just stared back at the girl. She smiled at me, showing off her dimples. I couldn't tell if it was condescending or not but it still pissed me off.

I looked away and folded my arms. She really ain't got shit on me. Robyn could do better.

This just proves to me that if I were to actually cross that line with Robyn, the chances of her being faithful to me are slim. I already know so many girls throw themselves at her daily. She may want me now but I know I'm not enough to keep her from resisting temptation.

Robyn glanced over at me as her and Kehlani were heading out the door. I watched them through the window. They started arguing once they got to her car. Robyn was clearly upset about something.

Kehlani got in the car and drove off, leaving Robyn standing in the parking lot. She shook her head and came back inside the building. She walked over to our table and stood next to me.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" She asked.

"I thought you was leaving" I said crossing my arms across my chest.

She stared me down until I gave in. I rolled my eyes and followed her outside. I crossed my arms again and waited for her to say whatever she wanted to say.

"Look, that didn't mean anything. She's just a friend, that's it" she explained herself.

"Why are you explaining yourself to me?" I scoffed in a laugh. "You can do whatever you want Robyn"

"Because I want you to take me serious. I'm not tryna play you bey" she tried to reassure me.

"Mhm" I nonchalantly responded, not interested in what she had to say. I started to walk off but she grabbed my arm.

"I'm not gonna stop trying" she said. "And I don't mind waiting for you because I know your it for me"

"Can I go now?" I asked. We played a staring contest for a minute but she soon gave in.

She exhaled through her nose before letting go of my arm and stepping aside. I walked past her and back into the coffee shop.

"Girl, what was that!?" Nicki and Kelly both exclaimed as soon as I sat down. I sighed and looked out the window to see Robyn outside kicking rocks.

She seemed pretty serious but I don't know what to believe. I think it's better if I just stayed away from her for a while. I don't wanna end up falling in love with her and I know that would be inevitable if I allowed whatever this was to continue.

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