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Beyoncé's POV Last night was too much for me to handle

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Beyoncé's POV
Last night was too much for me to handle. Robyn threatening Michael and then confessing how she felt about me was completely overwhelming. I spent the night with Solange because I didn't want to be alone. Also because Michael drove and left without me.

I dragged myself off her not so comfy sofa. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, heading to the bathroom to wash up. When I finished, I made my way back to the sofa. I started to lay down when I was interrupted by Solange.

"Unh, unh" she snapped her fingers, coming from the kitchen. She handed me a mug filled to the rim with tea, I took the cup from her hands as she sat across from me.

"It's time to tell me what the hell happened last night"

I exhaled deeply, placing the mug on the table between us. I should've known this was coming.

"I messed up" I shook my head admittedly.

"I figured that much" She didn't hide the annoyed look across her face.

"Solange.." I sighed rubbing my temples.

She always gives me shit about how I'm wrong and I don't want to hear any of that right now. I'm confused and just needed someone to vent to.

"Okay, okay" She said putting her hands up in surrender. "I won't say anything just.." she gestured for me to continue.

"Robyn and I have sort of.. been.. in a very intimate non-label relationship these past few months"

"What?!" She gasped in surprised.

Her eyes looked like they were about to pop out her head. She covered her mouth from her outburst and nodded her head for me to finish.

"She's so different, the complete opposite of Michael. Sweet, attentive, and affectionate. Sometimes I don't even know why I'm with him" I rolled my eyes just thinking about him.

She frowned. "That reminds me. What's the real reason she flipped last night?"

I sighed getting ready to tell her what I've been trying to avoid telling her for over a year now. She leaned forward and raised her eyebrow impatiently.

"Michael.. can be a little bit rough with me and I think she noticed"

"A little bit rough?" She repeated in question. "Beyoncé, if this man is putting his hands on you I swear to God I'll kill him myself"

"Solange it's not that serious, really. I wouldn't be with him if I was scared of my life" I said, I may have been lying to myself.

"Are you stupi-" she stopped mid-sentence to take a deep breath. "Beyoncé Giselle Knowles have you lost yo damn mind?"

"See this is why I never told you" I rolled my eyes and leaned back into the couch.

"Okay I'm sorry, but please enlighten me on what you see in this man? Cause what I hear so far is he's a piece of shit"

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