Chapter 27 (Part 1)

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It has been one month,,,, Sid is suffering😥😥,,,,, he is in confusion,,,,, his mind filled confused  thoughts,,,,, his heart was paining 💔💔thinking about the truth is going to come out..... 

From one month Sana🦋🦋 is completely ignoring him ,,, she is neither talking to him nor looking to him,,,,,, she had already made him feel as if he is not the part of her life😥😥😥😥,,,,, this was bothering him a lot,,,,, even his mother has started to doubt them but he some how managed by giving her false reasons.

Arjun😎😎 has completely shifted to Shulkas,,,, now he is staying with his mother and Vishal as Aarthi was old and staying alone was not good for her health😣😣

On the other hand,,,, Sid's detective is completely failing to solve Arun's case coz of the lack of proofs.... Whenever they try to get new proof it will either be destroyed nor be deleted. Sid was completely failing😣😣😣 to detect anything which was making him restless. He had become more ruthless and cold in his office,,,, as he was completely confused and was made fool in each and every step when he was near to truth😥😥.

Again today Sid is meeting his detective,,,, he doesn't know why his detective wants to meet him in private but he hopes at least today truth will come out😬😬😬.






TODAY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN SID'S LIFE,,,, TODAY IS THE DAY HE IS GOING TO LOOSE HIS LOVE,,,,, HIS LIFE💔💔,,,,, he knows Sid is going to be hurt😥😥 but he has to get punishment for his mistake,,,, he has to get punished for hurting Sana,,, his sister. He has to learn to listen to others..... he has to see what happens when he blindly believes others than his loved ones,,, he has to learn to believe in his loved ones,,, have faith on them and to trust them which is most important in any relationship😊😊😊.

Arjun was now sitting in his office AARORAS, he has taken the position as CEO one month back,,,,, his cabin.... his employees.... his business was exactly same as how he had left them 12 years back😍😍😍😍😍,,,, Sid never took his position as CEO instead he worked as vice CEO which Sid always was,,,, he never allowed anyone to enter his cabin as it was his habit to work in solitary,,,, he never changed anything which he had selected when he started the company,,,,, Sid did everything he could do as a loyal and faithful friend💛💛💛💛 but never took a credit for anything.... Today he will return his favor back to him,,,,, even though in friendship there is no word called favour ...... still he wants help him as a best friend💛💛,,, as a family to solve his problem but with little bit of punishment for hurting an innocent girl😬😬😬.

While thinking all this Arjun's detective Suresh😊😊 knocked his cabin and entered

"Good morning Sir😊😊"

"Good morning Suresh,,,, so is everything ready??"

"Yes sir everything is perfectly ready,,,, and trap has already been laid"

"Perfect😎😎,,,, are the papers ready??"

"Yes sir it is ready,,,, I have mailed it to both Sidharth sir and Sana mam....."

"Okay lets go now"

Both Arjun and Suresh left to their destination....





Sid was now traveling in his car,,,, his detective has called him to have a discussion in the outskirt resort which he was finding a bit weird🤨🤨🤨🤨,,,, but he wanted to know the truth so he decided to go....

BOUND IN LOVE❤❤जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें