Chapter 14.

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~Leo's POV~
"I know about Karai, Leo. She told me. Rubbed it in my face actually. You're just soooo trustworthy aren't ya Leo!? Some boyfriend..." Raph looked down and said those last two words with feelings of anger and sorrow. He said them quietly, kind of said it to himself but loud enough for me to hear. When those words left his mouth, my heart shattered into thousands of tiny pieces and I felt my eyes tear up. Those words echoed in my head..
"Raph! She forced me into kissing her! I told her to stop and that I was with you! I tried pushing her off but I couldn't I promise!!" I say, confused of why he would be mad at me. I tried to get her off and I denied it. It's not like I fucking cheated! Why's he so mad at me...
"That's not what happened in her story! She come out crying saying you tried to "get with her" by pulling her into your bed and saying how much you missed her and love her!!!! You never stopped loving her Leo!" Tears began to form in his eyes, I've never seen Raph cry, ever.. He's hurt really badly and it's all my fault! I'm so stupid!
"R-Raph, I, s-she lied! I-I never said that! She's the one who t-tried t-to seduce me! I swear Raph I love you!" "I-if you l-Lo-loved m-e, you wou-wouldn't have ch-che-cheated on m-me!" A tear slid down Raph's cheek as he looked down, not wanting me to see him in this stage. Millions of thoughts were going through my head.. I was so confused! I don't understand! Why doesn't go believe me??
"Raph, why don't you believe me?" Raph was quiet for a while and then, I heard him say something but I couldn't quite hear it. "Raph, speak up!" "I said you're a jerk and I don't know why I ever l-loved you!"

~Raph's POV~
Those words hurt so badly coming out of my mouth.. I could feel my heart breaking, being cut in half by the lies.. I thought, and believed that Leo loved me for 4 months and-and that's what he does! He cheats on me!!
There was a river of tears streaming down my face by this time so I kept it hidden from Leo. That fucking jerk, cheating on me with a girl.. Our sister.

~Leo's POV~
"Raph I-" "save it Leo.." Raph looked up and I could see the patterns of tears running down his face, he was crying, he was actually crying. One tear right after the other..
"Please..just don't say, anything else! Okay?" I-is Raph, breaking up with me...? For some reason I got mad and snapped.. "Fine! If you don't want to fucking listen to me then fine! You don't believe me! You never did!" You're just a selfish hot-head Raph!" I yelled. After I caught my mistake, I covered my mouth and tried to apologize very quickly. "Raph! I didn't mean it I swear! I'm so sorry!!"
"Fine..if that's what you want, that's what you'll get. You don't have to love me anymore.." Raph looked at me straight in the eye and with a serious look, tears still coming. "So, are we..b-break-ing u-up...?" I ask looking worried and scared. "Yeah. Yeah I, guess we are.. Goodbye Leo.." He turned around and left, shutting the door behind him.. "Goodbye, Raph.." I said moments after he left. I leaned by back against the door, slid down it and began to cry hopelessly into my hands..

~Raph's POV~
I ran to my room which was right around the corner. When I got there, I slammed the door shut and leaned against it. I slid my back down the wall and hugged my knees and cried into them, I didn't care, I just let the tears flow.. I screwed up so badly..

~Raph & Leo's POV~

'What have I done..'

Note: yeah I know it's short! Sorry, they'll get longer I promise! Comment what you think! Byyyeeeee!

P.S. Karai's is a bitch in my fanfic. Lol (Well, for now.) I love Karai so I have nothing against her okay? Just keep that in mind! Okay thank you!! Bye!

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