Chapter 15.

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~Donnie's POV~
Mikey and I have been in my lab for a while now, basically just talking. Nothing too exciting. All of a sudden, I hear something, like, someone sobbing.
"Hey, Mikey? Do you hear that?"
"Here what?" He asks.
"Shhh listen." I say putting my finger over my mouth. We heard The cries. Trying to figure out who it was, we stayed in silence. At the same time, we both look at each other and I say Raph, but he says Leo.
"Raph?" He asks looking confused, "Donnie, Raph doesn't cry." He says.
"I know Raph seems tough but, inside he's a big softy!" I say.
"Hm. I thought it was Leo."
"Well now that you say it, I hear Leo too! You think they're okay?? What if they're hurt!" I started to get panicked and Mikey put his hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.
"Hey, Don. I'm sure everything is fine, okay? How about we go check on them, and see if they're alright?"
"Yeah okay..thanks Mikey." I feel my face start to get hot and I just knew I was blushing..
I hear Mikey giggle and I look over at him.
"Why are you so cute when you blush? It makes me want to just, pounce on you and just, kiss you!" He starts laughing hysterically and it makes me laugh too, even though I started blushing really hard. We then kinda just, start to stare at each other and then he started to lean it, getting close to my face very slowly, I couldn't take it anymore I just wanted to kiss him! And that's exactly what I did, I pressed our lips together. It was a very short, but lovely kiss.
That was kind of boring I know. Lol
It had to be short since we had to check on out brothers.
"Okay, so, you check on Leo and I Raph?" I ask.
"Yeah that sounds good, *i guess*" I heard him mumble the last part under his breath. Was he okay? I decided to ignore the comment and move on.
"Okay, let's go." I say and we left the room.

~Mikey's POV~
I knock on the Door that lead to Leo's room. No answer.
"Leo,'s me, Mikey.. I uh, heard you crying and I was wondering if I could come in.." There still wasn't any answer, I just heard him unlock his door and he slowly turned the knob. Once he opened it, I saw the marks where a river of tears once flowed. His eyes were puffy and red and he wiped his eyes and let me in.

~Donnie's POV~
I slowly knock on Raph's door. Almost immediately he replied.
"What do you want??"
"Oh, uhh, I was just checking on you.. Y-you sound upset.. Sorry to bother you."
"Donnie?" His voice got quiet, and softer.
"Yeah Raph?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I-I thought you were.... Leo.." He opens the door and allows me to walk In. We sit on his bed and begin to talk.
"Raph, you okay? Why're you upset?" Raph looks up into my eyes, wondering if he could trust me.
"Raph, you know you can trust me. I promise."
"I don't know Don.. I might lose control of my temper and I just...really don't wanna do that. You know how I can get."

~Raph's POV~
"Raph, try as hard as you can to keep control, but if you feel like you can't, just look straight into my eyes. Got it? We've done this before."
"Donnie... I-I don't know.."
"Raph, please.." I look at Donnie and my eyes immediately meet his.
"Fine. But if I get mad.. I'm really sorry..."
"Raph, I'll understand. I swear."
"Well, me and Leo... We, uhh, had a fight.."

~Mikey's POV~
Leo invited me in and we both sat on the bed.
"Leo, what's wrong.."
"Raph and I...w-we split.."
"You split? You mean like a banana split! Oohhh that sounds good!"
"No Mikey. We broke up!"
"Ohh.. wanna tell me what happened? I'll do the best I can to help, but it may not be the best help you've ever had but I promise to do the best I can!" Leo cracked a small smile and I did the same.
"Well, he thinks I cheated on him with Karai..."
"Did you..?"
"No. Why would I do that?? I love Raph.."
"Well then.. Why does he think that?"
"K-Karai.. did something and told Raph about it.."
"What did she do..." Leo never answered me but I could tell he was crying.
"Leo, if you want me to help you then you have to tell me what she did."
"Sh-she tried to r-ra-rape m-me..!" He bursts out into tears.

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now