Chapter 4

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~Mikey's POV~

All kinds of thoughts and questions were running through my mind. What Leo said had shocked me. 'I have a crush..on' I thought. 'This can't be possible, why? Why do I like him that way??'

~Leo's POV~

I told Mikey he had a crush on Donnie. Then, his eyes got huge and he started to stare at the wall. "Umm.. Mikey? Are you okay?" No answer, just silence. Then the silence broke after an awkward fifteen minutes. "Dude, are you trying to mess with me..? 'Cause if you are it isn't funny!" Mikey said. He looked very annoyed and confused. "No, Mikey I'm not trying to mess with you. But, I'm not always right. So, I could be wrong. But listen Mikey, if you DO like Donnie, our brother, then I understand.. I like someone close to me too. " "Is it Karai?" "Umm.. Well, no..there much closer..I would rather us not talk about it..okay?" "Okay.." He then left my room.

~Mikey's POV~

After I left Leo's room I went to my room. I wanted to be alone. I laid on my bed and stared at a picture of me of my brothers. The picture was taken six years ago on our fifteenth birthday. I then picked it up and looked at it closely. Donnie and I were side by side. His arm was around me and in the picture, my cheeks were red, I was blushing. 'How long have I actually liked him? Maybe I've liked him since we were fifteen...' I thought. Maybe Leo's right..

~Donnie's POV~

-the next day-

"Is Mikey okay? Where is he?" I ask leo as we walk into the lab. Last time I heard from him was three days ago when we had that.."moment" in the kitchen..

"I'm not sure, I. Think he's in his room." "I haven't seen him for three days. You?" " I saw him the night before last. We had a talk." "Really? What was the talk about?" "Nothing important." "Oh okay." "Donnie, I know you're worried about him." "Well yea I'm worried. Leo, you know how I am!" "I know, I know, calm down." "I'm sorry I just.." "It's okay donnie.." Did you talk to Sensei?" Leo has know about my feelings for a while now. He knows I can be over protective sometimes of Mikey and that I can't help it. It's just the way I am..

"Yea.. I did." "And..?" "And he hasn't answered me.." "Oh.." It was quiet for a while and then the lab doors open. "Donatello. I need to talk to you in the dojo. Now." It was Sensei.. "Great." I got up to leave and walked out the door. When I got into the dojo he sat me down. "What did you need me for master splinter?" I ask. I already knew it was about Mikey but I decided to ask incase. "I thought about your question." "Oh.." I looked down at my knees. "And I disapprove." My head jerked up and my heart was pounding! " what?" "My son, I'm just kidding, if Michelangelo makes you happy, then I accept of you two being together." "Y-you, really? Are you serious?? I can't believe this!! Oh, and were not really together.. I just really like him.." "I knew you would be happy! Now, you may leave." "Yes, master splinter." I then left the room. "Well someone looks happy," Leo commented, "I'm guessing he said yes?" "He approved! If only I could get Mikey to approve." I answered. I tried to be quiet so no one would here that last part. Well, that didn't work too well. "What about me? I heard my name. Whatever it was I didn't do it." Mikey came out from the kitchen and stood there between me and Leo. "No, you didn't do anything.. Did you?" Leo had a concerned look on his face. "No. But why did you say my name??" "We were, umm- talking..about..y-"I started but Leo suddenly cut me off. I felt my face get red in embarrassment. "We were talking about how you and Donnie are going to start hanging out more. You two haven't been close like you were when we were kids." "Oh really? That sounds cool!" Mikey smiled, and before I realized it, I was smiling too.

~Mikey's POV~

Donnie had the cutest smile! It made me feel really happy when I knew he was. I had began to accept the fact that I did in fact have a crush on Donnie. I mean, honestly, who wouldn't! He looked at me when he smiled and I felt nervous again. I could feel butterflies flying around in my stomach. I was blushing. I didn't care though at this point. I loved the feeling. I felt happy inside, and whenever I was with donnie I felt safe.. I stared into Donnie's dark eyes and he stared into my baby blue ones. I felt something different this time though.. It was like, a strong feeling, stronger than a crush..

~Donnie's POV~

"I loved Mikey's baby blue eyes.. The moment we were in made me feel really good inside. I was feeling something, new, strong.. I couldn't explain what it was.. Then, I heard Mikey's voice "D-Donnie..?" "Yea, Mikey?" "There's something's have to tell you..something, important.." 'Please say what I think you're going to say! Please, please, please!!' I thought to myself. We were still staring. "I-I think I.." "Mikey! Donnie! It's like, 11:30 pm. Go to bed already!" Raph announced. We broke of our moment and went to bed..

(A/N) hey! I finally updated and I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting! With school and my family I haven't had enough time! So, I'm sorry if there's some mistakes or errors In the story, but tell me what you think of this chapter! And don't hesitate to ask me questions!:)

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now