Chapter 20!

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I'm not exactly sure why I'm so happy about Chapter 20. I mean, it really isn't, that great but it's special! 20 is my lucky number so.... Yeah! This chapter's special!!

~Karai's POV~
I woke up in the lab as I felt someone touch my arm. When I realized it was Donnie, I tried to remember what happened last night. But I couldn't.
"What the hell?? Why am I in here?" I say sitting up.
"Oh hey! You're up."
"Yeah I'm up now what do you think you're doing?"
"Oh, Leo was going to take a shower but you were lying the bathroom floor asleep. There was blood around you. So, he got worried and brought you in here."
"Leo was, worried about me?"
"Well yeah. We all are. You're our only sister! We love you and want to make sure you're safe at all times, no matter what."
"Oh, well, where is he at now?"
"He's about to take a shower."
"Oh." After a few minutes of total awkwardness and silence, Donnie hit me with a question I didn't want to answer.
"Why'd ya do it?"
"D-do what?" I new exactly what he was talking about.
"Why'd you c-hurt, yourself...?" He tries to say the word 'cut' but he couldn't.
"I don't know."
"Karai, there's a reason and I know it. I care about you and like I said, I was you to be safe. Please Karai, you can trust me. I promise." I thought about it for quite a while. Should I tell him? Would he be mad? He's worried about you Karai. Just tell him.
"I just, I love Leo so much, he can't see that though.. He doesn't understand what it's like.. I lik-love him. He's hurt me so much.. But you wouldn't understand.." I turned my head so Donnie couldn't see my face.
"Yes, I do."
"Yes Karai, I do know how you feel. Remember April? I was in love with her! I would've done anything for her. I wanted her so much. If I had an opportunity to be with her I took it. I hated Casey like you do Raph. Whenever Casey and her got together, my heart absolutely sank. Then, they got engaged. My heart shattered, shattered into a million pieces. I lost all hope for love. But listen, I'm with Mikey now, I love him and only him. I know this may sound really.... Gay. But, I would do anything for him, I would die for him. I love him. But listen, My feelings for April slowly disappeared as my feelings for Mikey started to grow. I've moved on. You will too I promise, Karai." Wow. Who knew Donnie could really make you tear up. I wiped my eyes and smiled.
"Thank you so much Donatello. If only Mikey were here to have heard what you had said." I looked him in the eye and smiled.
"Oh I heard it." A voice said, we looked over to see Mikey walking into the lab with a huge smile across his face.
"Awwe!!" I said.
"Donnie! Awe! I'm tearing up. I love you too!" Mikey said hugging Don. Donnie giggled and Mikey let go.
"I'll leave you two alone." I said.
"Oh wait! Karai! I still need to wrap up your uhh..scars." Donnie said, standing up.
"Oh yeah sorry!" I giggled and Donnie slowly wrapped the bandaged around my wrist.
As I walked out of the room, I ran into someone I haven't seem in a very long time.
"O-oh! S-sorry..!" I said as I looked up and noticed a very hot young man. Hmmm Donnie was right..

~Mikey's POV~
"Were you eavesdropping?" Donnie said with a smirk on his face. His eyes sparkled as he stood up and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.
"Maybe~" I answered.
"That's what I thought." Then, I hopped up and wrapped my legs around Don's waist.
"I love you." I whispered as I rested my head on Don's chest.
"I love you too Mike." He gave me a light kiss and we just cuddled like that for a while.

~Leo's POV~
I turned in the water to take my shower. While waiting for it to get warm, I notice that there was blood down my legs.
"What the hell is going on??"
As soon as the water was hot, I stepped in.
(Idk about you guys but I like to take really warm baths.)
As I scrubbed my plastron, I was scared that if I washed my lower area, it would bleed again. I tried to avoid it until the end.
Once I was done cleaning everything else, it was time. I lowered my rag down and washed. Nothing happened. Nothing happened at all. No blood? Well, why was I bleeding before?weird. When I was finished, I went to Don's lab like he said earlier this morning. When I opened the door I saw him and Mikey kissing.
"Am I interrupting something?" I said smiling. They slowly pulled away from their kiss. They Looked at each other, smiling. Awweeee!! Then, Donnie looked up at me and Mukey turned around.
"Yes. You were Leo." Mikey shot back. I laughed.
"No, you weren't, it's fine." Don laughed.
I giggled once more and followed Don to the lab table thing? Not sure what it's called but you know what I meant! He motioned for me to sit and I did.
"What's wrong with Leo?" Mikey chimed in.
"I'm not sure exactly. That's why he's here." Don answered.
"Well, what happened?"
"He woke up bleeding."
"From where?"
"Umm..." Donnie gave me an awkward look. I nodded my head to say I don't care. Donnie looked at Mikey and signaled that I was bleeding from....that place.
"Ohhh..." Mikey said looking away.
"Okay, so I uhhh...... Need to take a look at you.." Don said. Oh. My. Freaking. Jesus. Does he has to touch me??
"You have to, touch me?"
"Ehh close.."
"What?!" Mikey said.
"Uh. No. No no no no no no. I cannot be doing that Donnie!"
"Leo, if you want to get better, we might as well get it over with. It'll be quick, and you won't feel a thing."
"I won't?"
"You won't. I'll numb you."
"Oh.. Uhhh okay? Mikey, get out."
"What? Why??" He says.
"Uhh because I said so and I'm the leader."
"Ughhhh!!! But Donnie's my boyfriend and I need to make sure nothing happens because it's not every day your boyfriend has to touch your brother's DICK is it?!" Mikey shot back.
"Mikey, nothing's going to happen I swear, I love you and only you. Just step out of the room please." Don assured.
"Uggh. Okay, fine." Mikey kissed Don and walked out the room. Before he shut the lab doors he pointed his fingers at me saying, "I'm watching you"
"How do you put up with him?" I asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like, he's so impatient, immature, hyper, never serious. And you're like, the opposite of that."
"I love his humor and how hyper he is. I love him. And as they say, opposites attract." Don smiled and put his gloves on and got a needle ready.
"Okay, now, I'm going to give you this shot to numb you pelvic area. Ready?"
"No-OW!!" Donnie stuck the needle in before I was ready.
"Sorry. Don't you just love surprises?"
"Yeah. Sure."
Don laughed and got a light to see better with.
"Okay, should be numbed in about 15 minutes. Cool?"
"Soooo, how are you and Raph doing?" Don questioned, spinning around in his chair.
"Good, why?"
"I don't know. There wasn't really anything to talk about."
"Oh. How are you and Mikey?"
"That's good."
"Yeah Leo?"
"Raph told me about the...kiss." Donnie froze for a minute. Shocked.
"Oh. Yeah. Leo, I'm really sorry about that."
"It's fine. Raph told me that you didn't want to, you just wanted him to be happy. He said he was just so scared about me and his relationship. That he freaked out and it just happened. Is he lying to me?"
"No. Everything he said is true. I promise Leo."
"So, you two, really did kiss? You cheated on Mikey? Does he know?"
"Yes, we did. And Mikey knows. I told him because I felt really bad. I felt guilty so I told him. And Raph was right there to help me explain things. Mikey didn't care, he knew I was trying to help him through his problems."
"You're a good brother. And Mikey's lucky to have a honest, loyal, boyfriend. And you're lucky to have a forgiving one like him. You two are perfect." I smiled at Don. His face turned red and he had the biggest smile on his face.
"Thank you so much Leo.."
"You're welcome Donnie."
"Oh! Times up! You feeling numb?"
"Good. You know what I have to do right?"
"Uhh..y-yeah.." I stuttered.
"Okay, ready?"
~a couple minutes later~
"Okay! I'm all done. I just need to run some tests and we're all good!" Donnie said.

~Donnie's POV~
I have to admit that was awkward.. But I had to do it to make sure Leo was okay.
"Okay! I'm all done. I just need to run some tests and we're all good!" I said.
"Okay. So hey, when is this numbing going to ware off?"
"Soon." I readied the test tubes and began taking tests.
After about 5 minutes of that I was shocked to what they read.
"What? This can't be right? It isn't possible! Is it??" I mumbled to myself.
"Uhh Donnie? What's wrong??" Leo said worriedly.
"Okay! Don't freak out..... But I'll have to take an X-ray."
"Why what's wrong?!"
"Don't freak out Leo it's fine. The tests say one thing but while I was checking you I didn't see any signs of it! It makes no sense at all!"
"Don't worry Leo I just need to take a few X-rays. Okay?"
I got the X-ray boards and put them over Leo's bottom half.
"What the hell?!" Now, I've never been one to cuss but when I do, you know it's serious.
"Nothing just, wait!" I placed the X-ray aside and yelled for Mikey and Raph. They immediately came running into the lab.
"What's going on?!" Raph shouted.
"You two! Come here!" I said
"Wh-" I cut Mikey off and grabbed their arms to drag them over.
"Stand still." I ordered. They both stood as still as they could. Mikey pretending to be a soldier. I placed the X-ray up to Raph. Same exact thing. Then I placed it near Mikey. Some with him! I placed it up to me last, same with me as well!!
"We all have the same thing! It must have happened whenever we mutated. Like a glitch!"
"Dude what happened?!" Raph screamed.
"Okay! Something went wrong during the mutation, sure we have male parts! But guess what?! We have freakin ovaries! They aren't where the normal females are and that's why we don't have periods. but guess what! We have overies!" I was panicking and this point.
(Just a note, don't think about this. All im trying to make clear is that they can get pregnant. In my story, They don't know it yet but when they were baby turtles, not mutated yet, they were female. But since Sensei is a guy, they got both. Weird I know. Just go with it. Lol)

~Leo's POV~
Why is Don so worked up about this?
"I mean, yeah that's strange, but why is that so big of a deal?" I ask.
"Because Leo! That means we can get pregnant!!!!" Donnie yelled and the whole lab went silent.
Raph and I stared at each other. Mikey and Don did they same. Donnie took a deep breath, and said those words I was never expecting to here..
"WHAT?!" Everyone shouted.
"No no no this can't happen!!"
"Well it is..and it will." Donnie said.
"L-Leo, d-does that mean....we're.. Ya know...?" Raph asked. I could tell he was really nervous and scared. Tears came to my eyes.
"I think so Raph..." I replied as I rubbed my tummy..

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now