Chapter 3.

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~Donnie's POV~

Today was the day. The day I talked to Sensei about my feelings for Mikey. I honestly was terrified of what master splinter would say, but I have to tell him. Maybe he can help me get over him. Maybe he'll finally knock some sense into me. I'm not sure what he'll do..but I'm about to find out.

I slowly walked up to the door to Sensei's room. I lifted my hand ready to knock on the door. I could feel my body shaking. 'He's not going to accept this!' I thought to myself. 'I know he won't! We're brothers. He'll probably be sickened by me.'

As soon as I was about to knock on the door, it suddenly opened making me jump out of my shell! "My son, you look worrisome. Come in, let us talk." I nodded and slowly walked inside with my head down. We reached a maroon colored carpet and Sensei sat down with his legs crossed. "Come. Sit." I sat down in front of him on my knees. "Now, what is troubling you?" "Well Sensei. There's actually something I need to talk to you about.. I think it's very important and well, please don't get mad and disown me or something." "Why would I disown you? There's nothing you could ever do to make me want to disown you. Donatello, I need to understand something. You are my son, I will love you No matter what you do. Listen to me when I say this. As long as you follow and listen to your heart, you will never disappoint me." Sensei looked me in the eye. I saw honesty and love. "Thank you Sensei. It means alot. And I am listening to my heart, I just don't know if it's saying he right thing.." Master splinter put his hand on my shoulder. "No matter what your heart says, it's always right." "Okay.. Well, what I was wanting to talk to you about is, well, I-I am attract-attracted t-to someone.. Someone close to me.. And I-I don't know if I should say who bc, well, you may be upset, and or shocked.." Splinter took his hand off me and thought for a moment. It was very quiet. Then he finally spoke. "Well, who is it that you are attracted to? Do I know them?" I tried my best not to look splinter in the eye. I was ashamed, embarrassed. My face was getting red.. "Umm, yea, actually.. You know them as well as you know me..hehe.." I was shaking again, but this time, it was worse. My face was as red as it could get. " son, tell me who it is." I was nervous I could barely breath! "I-it's, I umm, you see, I-" he cut me off.. "Come on. I can't give you my opinion if you don't tell me who it is." "I think, I'm attracted to..umm.. Mikey.." I finally said not making eye contact. I closed my eyes not wanting to see the look on his face. I finally looked up.. He looked, calm. "Oh. You do realize you are brothers, correct?" I looked at the floor and nodded my head. "I will have to think about this.. I will give you my opinion tomorrow." Sensei got up and he was about to leave. I got up as well. "Sensei, I know we're brothers, but, my heart wants to be with him." I said as I walked out the door.

~Mikey's POV~

I knocked on Leo's door so I could ask him what the feeling was about. "LEO!! HURRY UP MAN! I need to talk to you about something!!" His door was locked so I couldn't get in. I've been standing there for hours! Then, my stomachs started to growl.. I was starving! "Oh, screw this! I'm going to get something to eat." I said to myself. As I walked into the kitchen there stood Leo. "DUDE! You were in here the whole time?!" I said annoyed! "Umm.. Yea. Why..?" "I've been knocking on your door for like, 5 hours! And you were in here?!" Leo glared at me like I was an idiot. "Mikey, I just got done talking to you 10 minutes ago. Then, you said you were going to the bathroom so I went in here because I got hungry." "Oh." I then went to the fridge to get something to snack on. "Dude, we literally have no foo-oh! Leftovers! My favorite!" I shouted and sat down at the table. "So, why were you at my door?" Leo asks me. I had forgotten all about that. "Oh, right! Well, I was talking to Donnie the other day, and I started getting this weird feeling. Like, I was nervous, but it was stronger than that." I told him. He then gave me a concerned look. "What? Am I going to die or something?" I asked him. Then, he started laughing for some really weird reason. "Umm, not exactly Mikey. Come to my room when you're done eating and then we'll talk." Leo then left the kitchen. I quickly finished my food and ran up to Leo's room. As soon as I was about to knock on the door, it opened. "Well that was fast." Leo said. "Yea, I know. I just really want to know what the feeling was! I mean, what if I'm dying!!" "You're not dying Mikey." "Can I just come in dude..?" I said in annoyance a little too loudly. He nodded and I walked in. His room was so neat and clean, unlike mine.

"So, are you ready to talk?" He said sitting on his bed while motioning for me to sit with him. I did so. "Yep!" "Okay. Well, tell me everything that happened!" "Everything that happened that day, or everything that happened when the feeling came?" "When the feeling came, Mikey." "Oh. Okay!"

"Well, I was in the living room and then I heard Donnie scream, 'No! That's too big of a word!' So, I went In the kitchen to see if everything was okay. I asked him and he asked me what he said because I guess he didn't know he was talking out loud. I told him and asked him if he was okay." I started. Then Leo cut in."What did Don say?" "He said everything was fine but he stuttered. Then, his face got red and he tried to cover it with his hands." "Was he..blushing? By any chance?" "I don't know." "Okay. Please continue." "Well, I told him that he looked like he wanted to be alone and that I was just going to go watch tv or something. When I was about to leave he stopped me. He said, 'please Mikey, don't go.' Then he looked down at his hand, he had put it on my shoulder when I turned around. He looked back at me and took his hand away. THEN, he was blushing." "So that's when he started blushing?" I nodded my head and continued on with my story. "Then donnie looked at the floor and I asked him if he was okay. I even asked him what was wrong. Then he started his sentence but he didn't finish. I told him to look at me. Donnie lifted his head up a-and then.." I didn't finish my sentence. Instead I stared off. "And then what Mikey?" Leo asked me. I felt like i was in therapy. "And then.. We stared into each others eyes.. A-and that's when the felling started.. He said he couldn't tell me what was wrong." "Wait. Describe the felling please." "Okay.. I'll do my best. It felt like I was nervous but it was stronger than that. My heart was pounding! I wasn't thinking at all." I admitted.

"Uh huh. Well. I think I know what's wrong with you.." "Well, what is it? Is it bad or good?" "Well, it's not terrible..but I'm not sure if it's a good thing either.. And I don't know if you want me to tell you." "Dude! I'm dyin' over here! Just tell me already!" I begged. "Okay.. Mikey, you have a crush on Donatello."


Hey! I'm sorry I haven't been updating! Please comment and tell me what you think of my story! Requests?

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now