Chapter 28.

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~Leo's POV~
"Okay Leo, this won't take but a minute." Donnie says as he puts the X-ray up to my stomach. It was almost time for the baby to come and Donnie was giving it a checkup.
He pushes away the X-ray and writes some things down.
"Is everything okay?" My mate says walking into the lab.
"Yep! Everything's great! It's an egg and the baby should be coming in a couple of days!" Don replied.
"A couple of days?? That quickly?"
"Yep! So you better be getting prepared. Splinter comes back from his trip in a couple of days too.. Better think of a way to explain this to him whenever he sees a baby turtle running around."
"Sensei! Oh my god I totally forgot about him! With all this pressure of being a parent I didn't even think about telling sensei! Oh my god oh my god oh my god I have no idea how to tell him! What if he's upset? What if he's mad? What if he thinks can't be leader anymore because of me being a- mmmm..." Ralph kissed me, telling me to shut up. When he released I thanked him.
"Thanks Raphie.." I looked down blushing in embarrassment. He laughed.
"So I'm guessing Leo's the female in this relationship?" Donnie asked.
"Why do I have to be the girl?" I added.
"Because, I'm the one who fucked you and got you pregnant. Therefore, you are the female." Raph replies.
"Didn't want to hear that." Donnie says, turning around in his chair.
"What? It's not like you don't already know it happened!"
"Yes, true. But, I would rather not to hear it from neither of you."
"I heard you and Mikey. What's the difference?" I added in as Raph fell to the floor in laughter.

~Donnie's POV~
I felt my cheeks turn red. All I could say was:
"Not what I meant! And don't act like I didn't walk in on you two covered in your own seed that one morning."
"Don't bring that up! That was humiliating and it was your fault!"
"You're the one who forgot to lock the door." I said in a calm tone, replying to Raphael.
"Pft. Whatever.." He muttered in defeat. It felt good to beat Raph at his own game for once.
"Guys guys guys guys guys guys!!" Mikey came running in scaring all of us.
"Mikey what's wrong??" I ask.

~Mikey's POV~
I catch my breath to tell them what I have witnessed. I was out skateboarding when I saw shredder. He was battling with someone I'd never expect. He was battling with Karai.
"It's Karai! She's batteling against shredder! We have to help her!!" I screamed!
"Let's go," Donnie called to the others, "Mikey where did you see them?"
"I can't remember the name of the place but they're on the rooftops. Just follow me and I'll show you." Donnie nodded his head and we ran out of the lair.

~Leo's POV~
Everyone ran out of the lair. Well, everyone except for me. I ran for a while, but then by the time I got to the door I had to stop and walk a while.
"How do girls do this??" I say to myself.
"You comin' Leo?" Raph says running over to me.
"Oh yeah, sorry I just can't run with my stomach being the size of a basketball and everything..." He picked me up bridle style.
"This better fearless?"
"Yeah. It actually is." I laughed and he kissed me and ran to the rooftops, following the others.
"You know who you're carrying right?" I ask Raph looking into his eyes.
"Uh...yeah. You." He looked really confused.
"Not just me Raph, you're also carrying your baby."
"Our baby." He smiled. A huge grin spread across my face at the thought of Raph and I having a baby. Our baby. It felt nice to say.
"Yeah, our baby."
We finally found the destination and for a moment we all watched in disbelief. Shredder, fighting the girl he called his daughter for so many years.
"Wow. He really is a heartless son of a bitch." Raph says starring. He all nod in disagreement.
All of a sudden we saw Karai get knocked to the ground and Shredder about to stab her.
"Hey shredder!" Raph yelled.
"Oh look who it is. Come to join the party have we?" He said the in that deep dark tone.
"Yeah, we did." Raph popped his knuckles and we all walked up to shredder, readying our weapons.
"Then let's- what's this? Put on a couple of pounds Leonardo?" He looked straight in my direction.
"Touch him and I swear to god I'll fuck you up." Raph promised.
"I'm just asking about his weight. Is that so bad?"
"I-I'm p-p-pr-"
"He's pregnant." Donnie finally said.
"Leo...?" I heard Karai whisper.
"Pregnant eh? Well this will fun!" Shredder looked straight at my stomach and i looked at Raph. I saw anger in his eyes.
"DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU AGAIN??! DON'T TOUCH HIM OR I'LL FUCK YOU UP! DID YOU NOT HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME DUMBASS?!" Raph shouted once more and we all stared in shock. Even Shredder. Raph didn't look worried, nor shocked. He meant what he said. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't regret one word.
Shredder took his focus off of me and walked near Raph.
"So, Raphael, what? Are you the father or something?" He burst into laughter. I looked over at Karai who was overall shocked.
"Yeah. As a matter of fact I am." Raph said proudly without hesitation. Straight face, showing no worry or fear.
"Oh! So these brothers are in love I take it? And what about you two? You together too?" He said in a mocking tone, looking over to Donnie and Mikey. They both just stared at shredder in fear.
"Well Leonardo. You're father took away my daughter. He took Karai from me. And for that, I get to take all four sons, and a grand baby." Leo dropped his weapons and just stared. As shredder was about to punch Leo's stomache, Raph jumped onto shredder stabbing his arm with his twin sais.
"AH!" Shredder screamed in pain covering him arm with his hand. Donnie and Mikey followed Raph's lead and began to fight shredder. I was going to help but then I got a sudden pain in my lower stomach.
"What the hell?!" I screamed. I tried to ignore the pain but I couldn't, it was unbearable.
"Something's wrong something's wrong something's wrong!!" By this time I was panicking and no one was focused on me. They were all focused on shredder. Mikey was knocked out, thankfully that was all. Karai was nowhere to be seen and it was only Donnie and Raph left. Raph bleeding from his lip and Donnie with a slash on his arm.
Oh my god please please don't let me lose this baby!

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now