Chapter 5

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~Donnie's POV~
Today has been a I mean, Leo's been acting really strange, raph hasn't been very active, and Mikey, we've been talking more but it's been awkward since he never told me what was so important. I can't get that off my mind! I know I can just ask him about it, but I'm too scared to.. What if it's something bad..
~Mikey's POV~
Donnie and I have been hanging out more lately. Honestly, I've had a lot of fun! I think he did too! We laughed most of the time and I did everything I could to keep him happy. If he's happy, he smiles. If he smiles, I'm happy. I love his cute gap! And his eyes, I love the way they light up when he smiles! I just, love everything about him!
I'm now sitting across from him in his lab. We were talking about training and I asked him if he wanted to practice with me later. He said sure and that was the end of our conversation.
"So, have you heard from April any? Or is she still in Florida?" I asked him. April and Casey went to Florida together last week and I hadn't heard anyone talking about them at all. "I guess she's still with Casey on their honeymoon." He replied. Did I mention Her and Casey had gotten married and that they were on their honeymoon? "I guess so.. So, what are you working on?" "Oh, nothing. Just, messing around with some things." " bored too?" "Yea, kind of." He looked at me and grinned. Donnie put his tools away and walked towards the door. "Wanna go practice now?" He asked. "Sure." I said, walking out of the lab, smiling.
We walked into the dojo and got our weapons ready. Moments later, we started. Every move I made, donnie dodged. He's getting really good with this! When he swung at me I most likely got hit. He was going easy on me though and I appreciated that. We were practicing dodging so we weren't really focused on bringing each other down that much. Then, Don swung his staff and I swung my nunchucks at the same time. My weapon tangled around his and we struggled to get them loose. We were pulling as hard as we could, but then, I think I pulled a little too hard... Donnie fell on top of me and the tip of our noses arms were around his shell and his were holding him up. He landed right in between my legs..I felt that strong feeling again..
His knee has rubbed against my lower plastron. I squeezed my eyes shut and accidentally let out a small moan, out loud, where he could hear it! I began to harden and I hoped he couldn't feel it on his knee..I looked at donnie and he looked at me, our eyes wide. I felt my face getting red and his was too. He quickly struggled to get up. "S-sorry... That was, that was my fault!" He apologized. We all know it wasn't his fault. "No, it was mine, I, accidentally pulled too hard." Donnie reached his hand out to help me get up. I grabbed it and my heart started pounding. I got up and our hands separated. "At least our weapons aren't stuck anymore." Donnie announced. "Haha, true." I laughed and brushed myself off. Donnie grabbed my weapon and gave it to me. We left the dojo and I quickly said, "sorry again, for what happened In there.." He looked back at me. "Don't worry. I didn't mind it." He told me and quickly went into his lab.
He..liked it? I then felt a huge smile grow across my face.
~Donnie's POV~
Am I stupid?? I basically just made it obvious that I like him! Uggggh!! Stupid, stupid, stupid!! I covered my face up with my arms and laid my head down on my desk. A few minutes later, I heard the lab doors open. I look to see that it was Mikey.
(A/N) hey! Sorry this chapters a little short. I wanted to end it at a good place and that's the best place I could get. So, I hope you've enjoyed this tiny chapter and the story following it! Comment what you think and....requests?

~That special feeling (Donniexmikey leoxraph yaoi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now