Chapter 19.

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~Leo's POV~
"So basically, the roach will have a mic attached to it to record everything Karai says. Got it?" Donnie explained to me.
"Got it!" I answered.
Donnie then, placed the roach onto my arm. It crawled up until it reached my shoulder. I really want Raph back and I guess this is the only way of doing it. I had to trick Karai into thinking I liked her. I slowly walked into the dojo to find Karai training.
"Uh, Karai? Can we talk about what happened the other night?" I ask. She kicked the dummy one last time and turned to face me.
"You mean the little affair we had going on? Yeah, it was going great until you told me you were with Raph." She crossed her arms and squinted her eyes at me.
"Uhh yeah," I said completely shocked be the sass, "listen, I'm sorry about that."
"Y-you are..?"
"Yeah, I really am." It was quiet for a couple of minutes. Then her eyes filled with tears.
"I'm really sorry Leo.."
"S-sorry for what?"
"I'm sorry for what I did.. I broke you and Raph up."
"Oh..well I-uh.." I stuttered. I don't know if I want to trick her or not, I mean, I really do think she's sorry. Wouldn't I be the jerk if I did this? I think I should tell her the truth. I should, and I will.

~Karai's POV~
I told Leo I was sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I mean it.. For now.
"I umm, I'm sorry too Karai." He said.
"Sorry for wh-"
"I'm sorry for this! I was going to tell you that I liked you but I can't, because it isn't true.. And I don't want to be with anyone except Raph. Karai, I'm sorry, but I can do this." He says as he pulls me into a hug. I cuddled up in his arms as tears came streaming down my face. He kissed my head and told me he was sorry. Then, Leo walked out of the room.
As Leo left, so did I. I walked into the bathroom. I shut and Locked the door and then turned to the mirror.
'Whats wrong with me..?!' I thought to my self as I stared into the mirror, 'why am I not good enough for you.'
I just love him so much. Can't he see that?!
I slowly took out a blade, and slowly rubbed it across my thin, pale skin, as tears flood down my face.

~Leo's POV~
As I told Raph what had happened and let him listen to the tape, he looked, confused.
"Raph? You okay..?" I ask.
"W-what? She lied to me? So you were telling the truth?"
"Of course Raph! I would never lie to you I promise! You should know that!" I say bringing him into a hug.
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what made me believe her and not someone I love and grew up with for 17 years.."
"Anger, Raph. It was the pressure mixed with your temper."
"I-I'm sorry.. I'm pathetic, hot headed, weak.."
"No, Raph. You're not! You're perfect and I love you more than anyone else in the world. I swear." I leaned in and kissed Raph. I know he was shocked, but he kissed back. We soon, pulled away.
"Why?" Raph asked me.
"What do you mean why?"
"Why do you still want to be with me whenever I fucked up big time." He looked down, tears forming.
"Because Raph, everyone makes mistakes. We can't help it. You were just scared, and that made you assume the worst. But I forgive you and I love you."
"I love you too." He said and we fell asleep in his bed.

~time skip. Leo's POV~
I woke up and noticed Raph wasn't next to me, and I was in my own bed. Weird. Anyways, as I pulled the covers up off of me, I noticed something was off. As I looked closer, I noticed drops of blood on the bed sheets.
"What the hell?!" I said a little too loudly, hoping no one would notice. Then, Donnie came running into the room, as I cover myself with the sheets.
"Leo?! You okay? I heard you scream!"
"Uhh no. Nope, I'm fine honest."
"Oh my gosh, you're the worst Liar. If you had a wet dream it happens to everyone. Come here an-"
"No! I didn't have a wet dream Donnie. I don't know what happened..." I say nervously. Donnie gave me a concerned look.
"Then... What, happened...?"
"I have no idea.." I pulled the sheets over me and showed Donnie the blood spots.
"Uhh..come into my lab later and we'll see what's up. You don't look sick and I don't see any sign of a wound. I'm not exactly sure but we'll see. Here." Donnie said coming over to me. He put out a hand and I grabbed it. He put his arm around my back. I stood up and groan as I immediately had a sharp pain in my back and lower stomach areas.
"Leo!" Donnie shouted.
"I-I'm fine Donnie. Just a cramp." I stated unsure.
"Okay well! Leo go take a shower, clean up, and I'll wash your bed sheets. Okay?"
"Yeah, okay Don." I say holding my stomach and making my way to the bathroom.
'What the hell is going on?!'
Please read!!
So!! Very short (yeah I know I suck) and not all that exciting. But I wanted to hurry up and kinda get through it... Sorry I rushed.. Anyways, What's up with Leo? That's for you to decide. Just a normal belly ache? Something wrong? Orrrrrrr my favorite, should turtle babies be coming in?!!?! Your choice! Comment!!! Thank you byyyyeeee!

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