Chapter 11: His Next Card

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   " So, son I can assume you've found your queen? "

   " Yes, father. "

   " Well, tell her that she isn't needed and send her our sorrows. "

   " What? "

Quinn was confused at his father. He was in the dining room having dinner with his family and discussing the ball. He had told his father that he had found a queen but his father didn't care. Quinn was confused and didn't understand what his father was doing.

   " I don't understand father. "

   " I have picked a bride for you. "

   " But I thought it was supposed to be my decision to pick my wife. "

   " It was until you walked into the ballroom dishonoring me. "

   " What? Father I'm going to be king soon. I don't think I should have to wear your color once I'm king so to grow to the feel of wearing my own color, I wore what I wished. "

   " That is true, but while you are still my son and under the prince's crown you are to wear my colors, just as your sister is to wear your mother's color. "

   " Father, this is childish. You shouldn't make a big decision based on a color change-"

   " I can and I did. You may not think of it as a big deal but to everyone in that ballroom and now all over the kingdoms and empires, I am seen as the king losing control of his son. "

   " Father it's just a color. "

   " That is what it may be but it was a show to everyone. So, I have made the decision of who you will marry and that is final. "

   " Mother you can't agree to this. This is against your word! "

   " Quinn, your father is right last night you embarrassed the empire by doing what you did. "

   " You two are ridiculous! I should be able to choose who I'm marrying! I'm marrying the damn woman why shouldn't I be able to choose her? " He said raising his voice.

   " Because you disobeyed me! That is why! " The king said now standing up from his seat,

Quinn wasn't intimidated. If anything he was furious with his parents. He stood up from his seat as well and glared at his father. His father returned the look and neither one backed down. The queen tried to calm her husband while Mariella grabbed Quinn's arm, signaling to stop.

This is something that never happened in their royal household. Their son had never defied them and listened to their every word. He never made choices on his own so why was he suddenly acting out of character now? He didn't back down and continued standing to face his father. He wasn't going to let his parents control his actions anymore.

   " Quinn sit back down in your chair and eat the damn food. The maids prepared our dinner and it would be a waste for it to all be thrown away. "

   " Just like how you kill any maid that makes a mistake? "

He could see his father flinch and his glare deepened into a scowl.

   " How do you know about that? "

   " Everyone in this palace knows. You can't keep secrets in this palace forever. I knew of it for a while now and I know how you treat them. If they spill one drop of water you kill them on the spot and make the other maids clean up the blood from the polished floors and walls. Why do you think they all shake when you walk by? They fear you. "

   " As they should. We pay them to work, not slack off, to make a mess of the palace. They should fear me. "

   " You're disgusting. "

   " Watch your tone boy. "

   " Or what? "

   " I'll take the crown away from your head. "

This caught his interest. He didn't back down from his spot but he wanted to hear what his father had to say about this.

   " Your sister isn't married yet and neither are you. I can rip you from becoming king and pass it along to your sister with the snap of my fingers. It's just that easy. You don't want to lose your title of being king, do you? "

   " Actually I do. "

This made everyone look at him in worry. Everyone feared that Quinn had gone mad. His father raised an eyebrow at him and slammed his fists on the table.

   " What!? "

   " Take it away from me, father. You've controlled me all of my life and now I'm done with it. You will not control me anymore and I will speak my opinion and marry who I want. I will not back down from this and you will not intimidate me to backdown. Even if it means losing the title of 'king' then I am willing to let it go. "

His father was speechless and couldn't find any words to say. The queen could only look at her son with a stunned expression. Wondering what had happened for her son to act out as he had. Mariella was scared for her brother. Sure, they didn't act like siblings but she still cared for him a little.

Quinn placed his hands on the table and stared his father down. His gaze looked as if he was ready to kill. Like a lion ready to pounce he was ready to fire back at his father. He had shown all of his cards and used his most important card. Now his title was on the line, and he didn't care if he lost it or not, he just wanted to leave the game his father was playing.

   " So, take it, father. I dare you. "

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