Chapter 46: Is It Ever Safe

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It felt like years, but it was only two months. You had stayed with Mary and Benjamin for two months. You stayed inside with Mary while Jin and Benjamin went to work. Because you were in a kingdom that had a princess who knew you, no one wanted to take any chances. But today was the day.

   " Y/n! "

Jin and Benjamin burst through the door, and Jin had screamed your name. You looked up from the couch and Jin ran to you.

   " We need to get out of here. "

   " Why? What happened? "

   " There are guards everywhere. "

   " Of course there are. We're in a big kingdom. "

   " That's not what I meant. What I mean is that there are guards and assassins here from Madrathia. Quinn sent them here and the king approved of them. They're searching all of the buildings. "

   " Oh my. " Mary said from the other couch.

   " We need to get you two love birds outta here. They're almost here. " Benjamin said.

   " We need to go now, we can come back and get our stuff another day. "

   " But-"

   " No, butts except for yous moving through the wall! "

Jin pulled me off the couch and we ran to the fake wall. I put on my shoes, that I had set by the couch earlier, and when I had them on the wall was open. We ran through with Benjamin coming in behind us.

   " Pumpkin tell them I'm not home. Say that I had to go to work today and do a few things around town. "

   " I will, be careful. "

They shared a kiss and he closed the wall with Jin's help. When the wall was closed in Jin held up a lit match and put it close to the torch Benjamin had grabbed out of the box in the passage. We started walking through the passage.

   " They won't know about the passageway and my wife has a cool head, so we'll be fine. We need to get you both out of here since they now know where you are. You'll have to relocate again. "

   " That's fine. It's been two months I think we could return back to the house. Don't you? " You asked Jin.

   " Yeah, they should pull away from searching or monitoring the house. Especially since they know we've been here. "

   " Alright, if any of you ever need me, just send a letter. "

   " Thanks for everything Benjamin. "

   " Of course. "

We continued walking through the halls until Benjamin stopped and handed Jin the torch.

   " My friend I've got to leave you here. I need to leave and go further in. I want to get home and make sure my wife is okay, and this way when they see me come back they won't think anything suspicious. DO you remember where the fake wall is? "

   " I do. "

   " Good, keep going and get out of here. If you don't hear back from us then they've killed us. I just hope my wife is okay. Once I leave wait until you can't hear my footsteps anymore and then keep moving. "

   " That way we can hear if they opened the fake wall? "

   " Exactly. Come back and visit okay? "

   " We will. "

Benjamin shared a hug with Jin and then he hugged me. He started running away and we stood still until his footsteps couldn't be heard anymore. We started walking again, and Jin placed his hand on the wall and felt along with it, so he could feel the fake wall. It was quiet as we listened for any footsteps besides our own. 

   " It's here. "

Jin pushed on the fake wall, and it fell to the floor outside of the secret passageway. Jin threw the torch and I walked outside and started lifting the fake wall. I picked it up and leaned it against the wall. 

   " AH! "

Jin fell to the ground, holding his leg. 

   " Jin! "

I ran to crouch in front of him, and my eyes spotted why he was bleeding and on the floor. An arrow had hit him in the calf. Jin was gripping his upper half tightly and his face showed clear pain. Behind us, there were people running towards us, and they had torches up in the air.

   " Jin, get up. We need to get out of here. "

   " My leg, I don't think I can walk let alone run with this injury. "

   " PLease just get up. If we can get out and put the fake wall back we can run a little ways and patch you up. "

   " With what? We don't have any medical supplies. "

The men in armor were getting closer and closer. Some had their swords drawn while others had an arrow ready to shoot. I tried picking up JIn, but when I did he grabbed my arms and threw me outside the passageway. Jin grabbed the fake wall and started pulling it back in place.

   " Jin! "

   " Go, Y/n! I'll only slow you down! You know the way! "

   " But-"

   " Go! "

I stood up and started backing away from the doorway. I could see the pain in Jin's face worsen.

   " I love you! " I yelled.

I turned around and started running away from the wall; from the kingdom of Chevalier. Tears streamed down my face, but I kept running, determined to make it back to the house. I know I would be safer there and then I could figure out a plan to get Jin back. Jin watched your format s it got smaller and smaller.

   " I love you, too. " He whispered.

Jin pulled the wall closed and stood up from the ground. He didn't pull the arrow out of his leg, because he knew that the wound would be worse. He leaned against the wall as the other figures got closer. 

   " I'll give them a hard time. "

Jin turned in the opposite direction and started jogging away. He jogged away from the wall, and he could hear the arrows flying by him as he ran. Jin turned the corner and continued jogging, and at one point started running away. It hurt like a fire in hell but he knew that if he was captured, he didn't have a chance to see you again. Jin tripped plenty of times but he got back up and kept going. He was slower, but he could keep going.

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