Chapter 37: The Sound of Wedding Bells

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Quinn sat in his study reading and signing documents. It was boring but it needed to be down, for the kingdom. Most of the papers were questions from the people and his council. He answered them and signed the papers along with getting a new project ready for the townspeople. The only thing that made him stay focused was the key wrapped around his neck. 

It hung underneath his clothes and sat on his chest. The key to your cell was what kept his mind at ease, knowing you were in that cell. The picture he dreamed of, was growing clear, and he was excited. Of course, the only thing that wasn't in the picture was the child that you were holding.

   ' I'll have to do it soon. If I don't I'm afraid I won't have any time to do it. Once I ask her, maybe she'll be more open when her name is tied with mine, and she won't be able to escape these palace walls. '

His heartbeat rapidly in his chest, and a smile came onto his face. Now, he had another plan he needed to make sure happened, and quick. He stood from his desk chair and left his study. He wanted to talk to his mother and get some advice before buying what he needed. He walked, quickly to her room to excited to slow down. 

When he reached his mother's room, he knocked on the door and heard his mother reply.

   " Come in. "

Quinn opened the door and stepped into his mother's room. She was sitting at a table sewing some dresses and shirts, and on the bed were shirts that she had made on the previous days. His mother looked up at him and set the shirt she was sewing down and stood up from her table.

   " My son, what can I do for you? "

   " Mother I need to ask you some questions and I want you to tell me the truth. "

   " Alright. Take a seat. "

Aileen moved some of the clothing off of her bed and sat down, with Quinn sitting beside her on the soft sheets. His mother didn't live in the master bedroom, anymore but she still had her own room on the royal floor. 

   " Mother I want to talk to you about marriage. "

   " Marriage? Son you've only been king for a short while, a month and a half, really. Why are you talking about marriage to me now? "

   " Mother, I have found the one I love, and I want to marry her. I don't want to risk anything happening and in the next couple of months, I will be busy working on a project for the town's folk. I love her, mother. My hear only beats for her and I want to seal it. "

   " Well, son...Why have you come to talk to me about this? "

   " I want to know what I should do. I don't know enough about this, and I was hoping you could give me some advice since you've been married and gone through  wedding. "

   " Well, it took a year before I married your father, Quinn. There's a lot of planning behind it, like who you would invite to the wedding, what you would eat, and there's just a lot of components to it, and it took us a year to get everything settled. Along with your father being king, it prolonged it as well. He had a lot of responsibilities, and it interfered a lot with our plans. "

   " I see. "

   " Think about this before doing it okay? "

   " Alright thank you mother. I'm going to go take a nap, and get some rest. If you need me I will be in the kings chambers. "

   " Okay, sleep well. "

Quinn stood up from his mother's bed and walked out of the room. He shut the door and started walking to his own, which was his parent's old room. He walked through the doors and shut them, and locking them. The room used to be gold and red, but now it was white. The walls were a beautiful pearl white and the floor was a light brown color. 

Everything else was a brilliant white, and it signified a dream to him, which is how he wanted it. Quinn sat on the bed and unlaced his shoes. He laid back on the soft duvet and laid his head down on the feather pillows. 

   " A year? It took a whole year for my parents to get married? That's too long. I don't want to wait that long. Maybe I can change it somehow, by making it small? No, that wouldn't work. The people of Madrathia would hate that. "

Quinn turned on his side and brought the key out from under his clothes. He held it in front of him, and just imagined you were lying there beside him. 

   " Maybe, I can plan it quicker than they did. It wouldn't be too hard. "

Quinn's eyes started getting droopy, and he closed them. Your smile graced his dreams and he imagined you with your white dress on, walking towards him with petals flying in the air, and a bouquet in your hands. 

   " And she can't say no. She's mine anyways, and I am her king. She can't deny her king. "

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