{73} {Horns, Wings, Tail, halo} {Part 1}

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{Author's P-o-v}
Tommy Never wanted anyone to find out, No one knew other than one person, Tubbo tired to push Tommy to tell him his secret but Tommy rebelled almost every time most of the time he hesitated but said no anyway, Tommy wanted to tell Tubbo but there was a price to pay which was death, He didn't chose this fate, his parents did not Phil or Kristen, His parents not no one else, Why did his parents chose this?, Because he was being hunted, his parents died protecting him, Tommy was suppose to be a myth, A myth that was not suppose to be real but he was.

{No One's P-o-v}
Tommy looked around sighing as no one was around as he walked into the cherry blossom forest, Flowers bloomed around him as he walked, Tommy stopped in front of two graves, Placing 2 flowers on both of them he sat down Tears falling from his baby blue eyes, Tommy let down his hair that was in a bun, He liked that he his long hair but Dream didn't, Ghostbur would always get in the middle of his and Dream's fight's, Tommy snapped into realty hearing a small fox with his leg bleeding come out of a bush, Tommy quickly let his wings, Horns, Tail, and Halo appear so the Fox wouldn't be scared of him, The lil fox slowly walked over to him, Tommy smiled a bit healing the lil fox petting in before closing his eyes the fox curling up in his lap, Tommy let out a small sigh. *with a few people*, Dream, Tubbo, Phil, and Techno sat in the cherry bushes watching a certain Blonde boy, "WhAt!?" Tubbo whispered yelled shocked, "I never new this" Phil said confused, They all went quite hearing someone walking, Tommy turned his head to the footsteps, Tommy's face lit up a bit "Hey" The person said, "Hey..." Tommy mumbled a bit smiling, "Tommy? what's wrong" The person asked sitting next to Tommy who's face saddened "Just thinking" Tommy said looking at the pond close to him "about?" the person asked, "I want to tell them" Tommy said, "Sapnap... I want to tell them" Tommy said tears falling down the blonde boys face, Dream's was so confused but played it off watching the two, Sapnap smiled "Tell them then" Sapnap said, Tommy looked at Sapnap like he was crazy "are you CRAZY!?" Tommy yelled "I will DIE. If I tell them!" Tommy yelled "Don't worry.

{Bye Panda's!!}

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