{77} {???} {Part 2}

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{Tubbo's P-o-v}
I yawned feeling Dream shake me awake, "Wake up where here!" Sapnap yelled at me "Shut the fuck up Sapnap!" George yelled at him, I giggled a bit before we got out of the jet, I seen Tommy and Karl talking, I smiled before I went running hugging him from behind, "See the money?" I asked him, Tommy nodded tears forming "THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Tommy said hugging me tightly tears forming I smiled "Still taller I see" I say to him, "Mature much" Wilbur said hugging Tommy who smiled, "Jimmy show you his present?" I ask, Tommy smiled a bit nodding "Where are the three?" I ask, Tommy smiled a bit before walking inside and then coming out holding a baby girl, and 1 boy coming out and a little girl hiding behind Tommy's leg, "Who are these?" I ask smiling a bit, Dream, Sapnap, George, Phil, Wilbur, Jimmy, Karl, Techno, and Ranboo stood next to me, "This in my arms is Lyra" Tommy started "This is Storm" Tommy says "And this is Charlie" Tommy said patting the girls shoulder, I smiled "Tubby!" Lyra said happily, Tommy laughed a bit setting her down as she ran over and hugged me tightly, "PURPLE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" Tommy yelled "I'M COMING!" Purple yelled back running out sighing slightly before smiling "Hello!" Purple said smiling, "Hi Purple!" I say smiling bit standing up as Lyra walked back over to Tommy who smiled a bit, "Tubbo lets head to my room" Tommy said smiling.

{Dream's P-o-v}
*An Hour later*, I looked at the others who nodded slightly, Sapnap, Phil, Wilbur, and Purple sat at Tommy's room door listening in "Tubbo" Tommy said "Hm?" Tubbo hummed "I am So... So Sorry" Tommy says "Hey no need to be sorry" Tubbo said "I didn't mean for all of you to spend so much money on me" Tommy said voice breaking a bit "We did it for you!, There is no need to be sorry" Tubbo said, "But.." Tommy started "If it wasn't for them getting killed and giving my other brothers the money I wouldn't have needed the help... Its there fault! I didn't need the money I could have did it myself" Tommy said voice breaking once again, "Don't blame them! they did it because they are older and they didn't think they would die so soon!" Tubbo said, "Its NoT FaIr" Tommy yelled voice breaking as I heard him break down into sobs, "Hey! Its okay Tom's" Tubbo says, "I'm So sO sOrRy" Tommy's voice cracking at each word "Tom's calm down" Tubbo says, I hear sniffle out sobs as Tubbo tried to calm him down.
*few days later*
I yawned shifting in my chair as me and the others watched Tommy do his stream we had to stay quite until he called us in or he messaged us to come in, I hear a ping from my phone looking at it "Purple, Tubbo, Ranboo" I say looking at them, They smiled running up to the door pushing it open, "WHATS UP FUCKERS" Tubbo yelled I laughed a bit, "FUCKERS!" I hear Lyra yell, I looked at Phil who's eyes widened, I laughed a bit "LYRA NO!" Charlie yelled covering her mouth before she said another word "Your going to get your Ass beat by dad!" Storm said eyes wide, I looked at Tommy's door to see Purple's head peeking out motioning for Phil, Techno, and Wilbur, I smiled as the three got up and walked in, I sat down on the ground starting to play with the 3 kids in front of me, Storm laughed a bit as him and Charlie tried to get my mask "Dreamy" I hear Sapnap ask tiredly as Him and George sat down next to me eyes closing tiredly "Morning beautiful's" I say smiling, I seen Sapnap smile before they both fell asleep again, I heard Lyra, Charlie, and Storm yawn, I smiled as they crawled over sitting on my lap falling asleep, I yawned as I felt myself drift off to sleep.

{Purple's P-o-v}
I looked outside the door smiling softly seeing Dream, George, Sapnap, and the 3 kids asleep together "There asleep" I whispered to Tommy who got up peeking out smiling, "We will leave them there" Tommy said smiling, "Take a picture and post it on twitter" Tommy say's to Tubbo who nodded taking a picture and tweeting it, I smile a bit as I yawned a bit sighing "its so earlyyy" I whined "Go to bed then wimp" Tubbo say's I sighed slightly walking out of the room.

(Bye Panda's!!, Part 3??)

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