{9} {WilburSoot, Tubbo_, And Fundy Has permeantly died>}

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(WARNING-Swearing!!,Lots of Blood!!) (My Way)
(No One's Point Of View)
Tommy, Wilbur, Fundy ,And Tubbo stood in front of Dream, Gorge, and Sapnap stood, Eret walked over to Dream and them smirking, Tommy looked at them madly, "ERET YOU BITCH!, WE TRUSTED YOU!" Tommy yelled Tubbo grabbed Tommy's arm's holding him back, "LET ME GO TUBBO I WANT TO KILL THAT BITCH!" Tommy yelled, Wilbur looked at Tommy, Dream giggled as he lit TNT, "RUN!" Wilbur yelled as they ran, Tommy was flung in the water and hit a rock, Tommy coughed as he gripped his side in pain, "F...f...fuck" He said as he swam to the top of the water coughing blood, "Everyone okay!?" Fundy yelled worriedly, "YEA!" Tubbo and Tommy yelled back to him, Wilbur and them swam to shore and got up on it, Tommy sighed as they ran back to there base and grabbed stuff and ran back they made a circle and faced away from each other ready to attack, Tommy seen a arrow going for Wilbur as Tommy jumped at Wilbur who froze Tommy got shot by the arrow and it landed on his side, Tommy winced in pain as he coughed blood, he laid on Wilbur's back, Wilbur managed to turn around and sit up as Tommy sat on his lap, "You okay!?" Tubbo yelled, "TOMMY'S BEEN SHOT!!" Wilbur yelled, Tommy's eyes were closing as he bleeded, Tubbo, and Fundy can running over, Tubbo sat up Tommy who coughed blood, Fundy threw a healing potion down, Tommy coughed as the arrow fell from his side, Tommy looked tired, Tubbo sighed as he laid Tommy back on Wilbur's chest, Dream came running up behind Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, And Fundy, Tommy seen this and jumped at his bow and shot Dream with an arrow, Wilbur and Tubbo shot there head's at Dream who growled as he ran away, Tommy sat there hands on his knees as he breathed heavily, "You okay?" Tubbo asked, Tommy nodded as he stood up wobbling a little, "Lets go" Fundy said as they ran back to base, Tommy leaned in a chair closing his eye's, Wilbur was talking about a plan when TNT went off, Wilbur and the others ran as Tommy was flung at a rock, "FUCK!" Tommy yelled holding his arm as he coughed blood, dream walked over and grabbed Tommy and held him over the cliff, "Give us what we want!" Dream yelled, "LET HIM GO!" Tubbo yelled, Dream started to giggle creepily as he let Tommy fall off, "NO!" Tubbo yelled breaking down in tears as he fell to the ground crying, "TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled crying, Fundy hugged Tubbo as he cried, Wilbur stood there shocked, *With Tommy*, Tommy looked at Dream as he fell, 'Is this the end of me?' Tommy thought as he fell, Water came around him as he looked around shocked 'I made it?' Tommy thought As he went up for air, Tommy froze, 'I'm alive!' Tommy thought as he smiled swimming to land, he coughed water as he got up and ran back to the fight, Tommy froze as Tubbo was on the ground with a sword going threw his arm, Wilbur was half dead, Tommy started to cry as he fell to the ground in tear's, Dream started to laugh creepily, "Look who survived and is going to watch there friend's die~!" Dream laughed, George and Sapnap held Tommy back as he stabbed Fundy, "NO!" Tommy yelled as he cried, Wilbur managed to sit up, "Tommy.." Wilbur said, Tommy sniffed as he looked at him, "Don't let your emotions fool you" Wilbur said, "Let your heart control you not your emotions" Wilbur said before Dream stabbed him and Wilbur died, Tommy sat there crying as he shook, Dream walked over to Tommy giggling, "So, how's this going to end?" Dream asked laughing, Tommy sat there shaking as he cried, "Fine...., I will give you the disc's...." Tommy said as he sniffed, Dream laughed as he and Tommy walked to his house and Tommy handed Dream the disc's, *Months later*, Tommy sat in his room as Phil knocked on the door, Tommy looked up "Yea....?" Tommy asked as he shook "Some people wanted to see you" Phil say's as he opened the door, Tommy's eyes widened as tears started to stream down his face, "Hey Bud..." Wilbur said, Tubbo ran over and hugged Tommy who broke down into sobs, Fundy walked over and hugged Tommy, Tommy reached his hand out for Wilbur who smiled and hugged him, Tommy sniffed, Fundy smiled as his ears and tail appeared, "Calm down Bud" Wilbur said smiling, Tommy sniffed "I m...m....miss you.." Tommy choked out as he hugged the 3 again.
(Bye My Pumpkins!!)

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