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{Tommy's P-o-v}
I woke up to my wings being licked, I looked over to see Kara licking them "Kara" I say, Kara yipped and licked my face, I smiled standing up only to let out a whimper before sitting back down, I felt my wing twitch "Fuck..." I mumbled before I stood up quickly whimpering in pain, I gasped as I hit my wing on the door frame as I choked out a sob as I started to cry, I sniffle grabbing a Blindfold and put it around my eyes as it helped me move around faster from having it on in the past, I quickly walked down the stairs whimpering as I choked out a sob, I felt my wings start to twitch which put me in more pain, I yelped out in pain as my wing twitched which made me hit it against the living room door frame, "What's wrong!?" Wilbur ask's, I whimpered out in pain as I took off the blindfold as I sniffled, "W....where's Phil?" I mumbled sniffling, "Store, Now come here" Wilbur say's knowing what's wrong, I walked over and Wilbur took out some Pain killers so when Phil got home he could help, I sniffle taking the pain killers snuggling into Wilbur who smiled, *Later*, I whined as the pain killers wore off, I hear the door open, I gasped out in pain as my wings twitched against the couch, I hugged Wilbur tightly choking out sob's, Phil and Techno walked into the room freezing "What's wrong!?" Phil ask's worriedly, I sniffled as Wilbur sat up only to stop when I whined, Phil walked over and sat on the couch "What happened?" Phil ask's, "Tommy has Wing cramps and its gotten worse" Wilbur say's, I sniffled moving my wing a little so Phil can grab it, I choked out a sob of pain "Shh" Wilbur sooth's trying to calm me down, I felt Phil grab my wing softly, I spread my wing slightly, Phil mumbled something before moving his hand threw my wings un tangling some feathers and some feathers falling, I held in some cried of pain as Phil touched a tightly tangled feather, Wilbur seen this and rubbed my back calming me down, I flinched my wing away from Phil when he touched my sensitive spot on with wing, Phil looked over at me with a kind smiled before taking the wing again combing threw it, I slightly relaxed when Phil moved onto my other wing combing threw it slowly, I smiled slightly calming down closing my eyes slightly, I hear Phil let out a little sigh before placing my wing down on to my back, I rubbed my eyes sitting up yawing my wings fluttering a little.

(Bye My Panda's!!!)

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