{31} {Trapped? Part 4, The War?}

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{No One's P-o-v}
Tommy's eyes widened as Techno and Wilbur blew up L'manberg, Tommy Gasped out in pain moving his shaky hands up to his ears feeling blood coming from them and large amount of ringing, Tommy's body shook as he stood there hand on his ear blood coming from it and ringing, "PONK! PUNZ!" He could make out few words, Tommy's head shot up looking at Phil who had killed Wilbur, Phil looked out at them small smile on his face, Techno started to make withers, They started to blow up the world "KILL THEM!" Tubbo yelled out, Tommy just stood there uncovering his ear and looking at the deep red blood in his hand, Tommy sighed out a shaky sigh before starting to kill them, The ringing got worse after they killed both withers, Tommy choked out a painful cry falling to the ground crying out in pain covering his ears.

{Dream's P-o-v}
I looked up at everyone who smiled defeating the last wither, I sighed softly before putting my bow away and walking over and sitting down on a part of grass as the others smiled, I froze as I hear Tommy choke out a painful cry falling to the ground crying out in pain covering his ears, I looked up at Phil and the others who had worry in there eyes, I walked over to Tommy who was crying in pain, I taped his shoulder, Tommy sniffled as he looked up at me, I removed his hands to see Blood, my eyes widening I took out a towel from my bag putting it over his ears, I picked him up and turned to the others "Schlatt, Tubbo, Sapnap!, George with me!, I think when Techno and Wilbur blew up the place they might of broken his ear drum's!" I say worriedly, Sapnap and the other's eyes widened, I quickly walked off to the house, I sighed sitting Tommy down removing the towel to see large amounts of blood on it, *Later*, I sighed laying Tommy down as he was asleep snoring softly, I wiped the blood off my hands to a towel, "Now, Quackity can you get Niki to make us some food pls" I ask him, Quackity nodded leaving quickly, I sighed slightly looking at Tommy who shifted while he slept, I looked at Tubbo and the others "I think he is deaf" I say to them, George nodded.

{Boo's P-o-v}
I looked over at Tommy who was asleep then at the people, I floated over to Tommy who shifted, I managed to go into his dream, "Tommy!" I yelled out  looking for him, "Boo!?" Tommy yelled, I smiled running over and hugging Tommy who smiled "How!?" Tommy asked "I am a ghost remember!" I say whiled smiling, I pulled up a list with some of my powers seeing Tommy's hearing, I frowned "Tommy" I say sadly, Tommy looked up at me "Your deaf" I say, Tommy smiled a little, "Hey that's okay!, I have you" Tommy said softly, I smiled  softly. I smiled as I got out of Tommy's dream and looking over at the people to see them talking, I looked at Tommy to see him away now, "Tommy!" A boy said smiling hugging Tommy who smiled "Hi Tubbo" I smiled as I managed to work out a agreement with another ghost about giving Tommy hearing again.

(Bye My Bee's!!)

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