Times Up

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Ok. That's fair. You shouldn't have taken on all five of those thugs by yourself. Wincing, you limp your way down the alley, clutching your side. The thugs didn't have the decency to finish you off, but they had gifted you a very large slash in your torso. Exhausted, you slump against the wall, gritting your teeth as a intense wave of pain coursed through your abdomen. 

Yeah, there was no way you were making it out of this one. Even if you managed to get help... You look down the alley at the long trail of blood you had left behind. No amount of magic was going to help you now. You let out a broken laugh, rolling your head back to stare at the cloudy sky above. You didn't have much time left, you could feel the blood gushing out through your fingers, they must have hit a crucial artery. Whatever they hit, it hurt. At least you got a few good hits in. Maybe you'll leave a scar. Would be nice to leave something behind. 

"This isn't how I thought I would die," You thought, letting a few tears slip down your face. "I always thought Cedric would give me a heart attack first." Oh Cedric. You never planned to leave him so soon. "I had so much more to say." Slowly, you slip your free arm into your pocket, pulling out your communication stone. Cedric had made it for you when you two had first started dating. It transmitted your voice so you could talk even when you two were far apart, and now that you were dieing... well, you just wanted to hear his voice. Bringing the stone up to your ear, you steadied your breathing and waited to see if he would answer. 

"Hello Dear, what do you need?"

"Oh hey Ceddy!" You cheerfully call, ignoring the throbbing pain that worsened with every breath. "I was just calling because I missed you."

"...Dear you know I never know what to say when you tell me that." You grinned, you could almost feel his blush through the stone. Cedric often flustered at the smallest compliments, it was one of the things you always found endearing. 

"How about I missed you too?"

"I miss you every second you're not by my side. So hurry back hmm? I'm making great progress on the ring enchantments."

Oh right. The wedding rings. Guess you're not going to get much use out of them now. Which is a shame, the two of you had decided to create them together, as you found the gems and Cedric enchanted the rings to be protective charms. 

"I'm glad Cedric. You gotta make sure to wear yours everyday ok?" Talking was slowly becoming unbearably painful. "I have to go now. But please remember-" 

You're voice cuts off as a violent cough racks your body. You look down at your hand. Blood. Times almost up, keeping your eyes open was getting difficult, and you knew once they closed you would never open them again. 

"(Y/N)? Is everything ok?" Cedric sounded very concerned. "That didn't sound good. Are you in trouble?" 

"It's ok. Just a cough, no need to worry," You explain as calmly as you can. You wipe a bit of blood off you lip, before continuing. "Cedric, I love you so much, you know that? I am so lucky to have you." The tears started flowing again, scalding hot against your cold cheeks. "I can't wait to see you again." 

"I love you too dear," Cedric said softly, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "Hurry home ok? I'll make some tea for your cough." 

"Alright. Goodbye Ceddy." 

"See you soon (y/n)!"


Cedric knew there was something off with your sudden call. He just never assumed that trusting you would forever be his greatest regret. But now he's here. And you're not. So there is nothing left to do. 



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