Stay With Me?

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"All things considered, things could be going worse?" 

Cedric just groans and rolls his eyes. You finally let your shaky, awkward smile drop from your face as you take in your situation. You and Cedric were accompanying the youngest princess on one of her regular little adventures, when something had gone wrong. It totally wasn't your fault though. How were you supposed to know that the creepy looking statue was actually a teleportation stone? You just wanted to scare Cedric with it. Frowning, you look out at the vast valley that stretched out before you. Somehow, the stone dropped the two of you on a rock ledge, settled in the middle of a sheer cliff face. Your stomach dropped a bit as you peaked down at the drop. There was no way you were going to try and climb down. Doesn't seem like you could climb up either, as the cliff face was smooth and had next to no possible handles. Not that it would matter if it did, you'd run out of steam long before you reached the top. 

"So how do you plan on getting us out of this fine mess, hmm?" Cedrics voice broke you out of your ponderings. He sounded, understandably, very annoyed. 

"I was hoping you might have some sort of trick up your sleeve? That is kind of your whole thing right? Any way to magic us out of here?" You nervously rub your fingers together, giving Cedric a sheepish grin. Nope. He was not amused.  If looks could kill, you'd probably six feet under by now. A strange look for the normally patient sorcerer. Cedric was not normally one who got angry, which just made you shrink back more. 

"No, I do not have any sort of trick up my sleeve. I dropped my wand when some fool decided to mess around with the statue that was pretty clearly dangerous." Cedric's look of disapproval seemed to settle into your very bones. He was super mad. But why? Its not like this was the first dumb thing you've done.  Rescue would most likely come soon anyway, Sofia saw the whole thing go down and she surely would search until she found the two of you. 

"I'm sorry," you mumble quietly. Cedric just turns away, and leans against the rock wall. You awkwardly shuffle over beside him, crouching down to sit on the hard rock face. 

"Why do you keep doing this?" Cedric's tone was... not normal. It wasn't loud, and angry like you expected. It was harsh, but in a very somber way. It sent a distressing chill down your spine. You hadn't heard him like this before, and you absolutely never wanted to hear it again. Fidgeting uncomfortably in your spot, you stare blankly out at the valley. 

"I... Don't know what you mean," you reply. "I think this is the first time I've gotten myself stuck on a cliff face due to a creepy magic statue." Looking up at Cedric, you do your best to give him a wide smile. Being serious is not your strong point, and you were really hoping you could lift his mood. You failed. Cedric just meets your grin with a disappointed glare. Yeah no. He needs a little space. 


It's been two hours. Two. Hours. On a ledge. With a somehow still grumpy sorcerer. He wont even talk to you. You're about to die from boredom.  Exhaling heavily, you stand up from your spot against the wall. Cloud watching was fun for like ten minutes but it sure is more comfortable on grass. Cedric was sitting on the other side of the face, staring blankly at the sky. He might actually be asleep. You don't think he has moved in like half an hour. Whatever. Heaving your sore body onto its feet, you meander your way over to the face's edge. Peering over, you felt your head start to swirl. That was a BIG drop. Still bored, you pick up a pebble from the ground, and flip it over the edge.  At least that was mildly entertaining. Looking around, you start gathering rocks and stones, and tossing them gently over the edge. 

"You're too close to the edge," Cedric's irritated voice rang out from behind you. "and stop throwing rocks down, you'll lose your balance and fall." 

Rolling your eyes, you swivel and face your grumpy companion. "I'm like a foot away from the edge Cedric. Its not like I'm in danger." Smirking, you start inching backwards, closer and closer to the cliffs edge. "after all, it's not like I'm this close? or maybe..." You flop down and hang your legs over the side. "Oh noooo Cedric. I'm going to fall and die." 

"(Y/N), please don't," Cedric's voice was steady, but you knew him well enough to see the panic written all over his face. This was much more entertaining then rock throwing. Planting your hands firmly behind you, you lean over your knees, and peer down. 

"I'm falling Cedric," you drone in the most monotone voice you can muster, "I'm going to fall and die because I am a reckless idiot who you have absolutely no faith in. What a shame." Maybe this was a mistake. You couldn't even see the ground from where you were, a fall would kill you without question. Not that you were afraid of death, but rather, hitting the ground was going to hurt like mad. Shuddering a little at the thought, you sit back up and move to scooch away from the edge when: 

Oh shoot, You're actually falling. 

Time seems to move slowly, as you feel the rock ledge start to crumble. You jerk your hand back to try and grab onto the ledge, but you just feel you fingers graze the edge of the face. You don't fall far though, when you feel a hand wrap tightly around your wrist, and your shoulders jerks painfully as you come to a sudden stop. Letting out a shaky breath, you reach your other hand up and grab hold of the rock wall, and swiftly pull yourself up and back onto the ledge. Collapsing to your knees, you scoot backwards until you are a safe distance from the ledge, breathing nervously. 

"W-whoops," you stumble over your words, adrenaline coursing through your veins. "Guess you were right there Ceddy. My bad," you let out a shaky laugh, hoping to ease the tension that now hung more heavily then before. Cedric didn't reply, his eyes fixed solely on your face, scanning you up and down. His eyes were full of  an emotion you couldn't quite place. "Ceddy?" you call, tentatively. 

Suddenly, Cedric pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you. His hands were trembling, as he stroked the hair on your head gently. "Why do you keep doing this to yourself?" His voice was trembling, but you didn't understand. 

"What do you mean?" You take your hand and start rubbing gentle circles into Cedric's back, trying to calm the man. Why was he acting like this? You were fine, if anyone should be shaken it should be you, right? You were the one who almost died. 

"You keep putting yourself in danger, do you want to die?" Cedric had never been this distraught before, at least, not in the time you had known him. "Again and again and again you just throw yourself into danger and one of these days I wont be able to save you." Cedric was crying now, clutching you tighter into his trembling shoulders. 

"I'm sorry Ceddy," you murmur softly. "I didn't think my recklessness would affect  you this much." 

"How can it not affect me? How can I not be affected when you keep putting yourself in danger over and over again?!"

"It's not on purpose! These things just tend to happe-"

"They don't just tend to happen! You go out of your way to make them happen! Every day you taunt misfortune and feign ignorance when she responds! And its killing me, (Y/N)." Cedric let go of you and leaned back, looking deep into your eyes. 

Immediately, you were overtaken by guilt. You never meant to cause him worry, you just never really cared about being hurt. Death is death after all, nothing really of consequence to you in regards to yourself. That's why you were reckless, and careless when it seemed to just affect you. But if it was Cedric doing the things you were doing... If it was Cedric being as careless, poking at dangerous things for  a laugh, risking himself with no certainty of him surviving... "I understand now." Reaching up, you pull Cedric in, burying your head into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, I'll do better," You whisper. Cedric just held you tighter.

"I just don't want to lose you before I have to." Cedric sniffled. "Stay with me please." 

Turning your head, you nuzzle in and kiss his neck. "Sure thing Love." 


I don't care for this one tbh. But I haven't updated in a while and a lot of people appear to have stumbled across this god-forsaken book in the meantime so I suppose I owe something to you. Thanks for sticking around, I'm glad Cedric is getting the love he desperately deserves. 


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