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Your feet padded softly against the rough carpet as you paced back and forth across your room. Sleep had evaded you for days, leaving you a tired, stressed, ball of caffeine and sugar. Being the royal librarian, sleep normally was your last priority, but lately, things have been different. Instead of staying up late to finish your books, nightmares plagued your mind and left you a shaking mess. Cedric did his best to try and help you get your must needed rest, but the sleep potion he made just trapped you in your horrors. you shuddered as you recalled that night. It was so horrible, being tormented with no way of escape. You hadn't taken the potion since then, and you were reaching your limit. It was so hard to keep your eyes open, but the second you closed them the nightmares started. 

"What to do, what to do" you mutter as you pace, the desperate pace of your feet being the only thing keeping the nightmares away.  you cast a glance out of you window, and notice a light on in your favorite sorcerers tower. You hesitate for a second. "He probably just fell asleep at his desk again... I don't want to bother him... but," You bit your lip, then made up your mind. slipping on a cloak, you slipped out of your room and made your way through the winding hallways. Your bare feet  treaded softly up the cold stone steps of the towers staircase, your legs trembling with every step. At the top, you silently opened the door and peaked your head around the corner. a soft smile spread across your lips as you saw Cedric passed out on his desk again. Wormwood slightly lifted an eye as he heard the doors quite creak,  but you have time  smile and a wave and he settled back onto his perch to continue sleeping. Quietly, you slipped into the room and tiptoed over to Cedric desk.

"Oh you hopeless work addict" you murmured quietly. The sorcerers white bangs were hanging gently in his face, and you could hear his quiet breaths as he rested. Beneath his face was a jumble of books and parchment, a uncomfortable pillow. Hesitantly, you reached out and softly brush the hair from his face.
"His eye lashes are so long," you thought, with a twink of jealousy. How in enchancia did a man a wonderful as Cedric exist? Sure, he was a little gruff and sarcastic at first. It would be a lie if you said you weren't a little bit intimidated at first. But as you got to know him, you realized that he was so sweet and caring, and just plain misunderstood. His magic always amazed and astounded  you, even if it failed sometimes. It was no surprise to you that you began to have feelings for him. If only he felt the same way-

A sudden stir woke you from your thoughts. Flinching, you snapped your hand back from where it was absentmindly resting on Cedrics head.
"Please down wake up," you thought, but it was too late. Those long lashes fluttered apart, revealing the rich brown eyes that lie beneath.
"Y-Y/n?" Cedric muttered sleepily.  "Why are you here?"
"I'm really sorry I woke you up!" You back away, flustered. "I-I just had another nightmare and your light was on so I thought you might be awake but I didn't mean to wake you I'm so sorry!"

Cedric looked a little bewildered at first, but as his tired brain began to process what you said his confused look tired into one of concern. He quickly scanned you up and down and you just looked so... ragged. There were huge bags under your eyes, and your hair was messy and knotted. Your cloak was even on inside out. Cedric felt a twinge of pain shoot through his chest. You were on of he only people who cared for him and who believed in him, yet here you were suffering with no way for him to fix it. It hurt so much to see the person he loved look so broken. Swiftly, he strode up to your still blabbering form, and did something quite out of character. He reached down and gracefully picked you up, and with a flick of his wand summoned a soft fluffy couch. He gently set you down, and sat next to you. You had stoped your rant, and instead a bright crimson colour has spread across your face. Seeing the blush on your face, the bravado of his actions hit Cedric like a chariot , and his cheeks joined yours in their quest to become tomatoes. Still, he wrapped a hesitant arm around you and quietly asked "do you wanna talk about it?"

Trying to calm your beating heart, you shake your head. "It's...complicated." Cedric let out a little hum and gently pulled you closer.
"Alright. If you say so. Just know that I'm here if you need me."
"Thanks Ceddy." And for some unknown reason, maybe it was due to the lack of sleep or the wave of relief you gained day having Cedric arm around you, but your courage swells, and you look up and softly press a kiss to Cedric cheek. "I love you."

For a moment, Cedric face is frozen. You start to get nervous, wondering if you made a mistake. You open your mouth, but before you can break the silence Cedrics arms wrap around you tightly and he pulls you into his chest. "I love you too darling." You hear him quietly mutter into your ear. You could feel the burning heat from Cedrics cheeks, and was sure yours must have felt the same. You return the hug, and the two of you sit there, cheeks burning and smiles wide. Before you know it, for the first time in days you drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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