On Guard!

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Modern Life AU

"Do we want purple or white cauliflower?"

"I'm sorry?" Confused, you look up from the apples you were examining, and over to your husband. 

"Cauliflower, dear. White or purple?" Cedric met your look of confusion by holding up the two vegetables, as if that would clarify anything. 

"I mean purple reminds me of you, so purple I guess," you answer. Cedric gives you a nod and puts the purple cauliflower into the cart, before actually registering what you just said. Smiling, you watch as the tips of his ears flare into a bright red; even after three years of marriage your adorable husband still gets flustered at the smallest of affections. Giving up on picking the best apples, you grab a few and shove them into a bag, before walking over to your cart and pecking Cedric on the cheek. "What else is on the list?" 

"Well um, I mean we do have, um," Cedric fumbled over his words as he desperately tried to keep his composure. "Its just the string lights for the patio, did you want to see what they have here?"

"Sure thing!" 

Letting Cedric push the cart, you walked side by side, heading over to the seasonal section. It was finally summer, and as you walked past sandals, frisbees, and trampolines, something bright and colourful caught your eye. 

Pool Noodles. 

Smirking, you slow you pace just a little bit, falling behind your unsuspecting husband. Following your impish urges, you grab the colorful foam floatation from its holder. "Hey, Ceddy?" you coo, your tone sugar sweet.

"Yes Dear?" Cedric replied, turning around. You took your chance, and struck. 


"GAH!" Cedric startled back as the noodle hits him square in the face. 

"ON GUARD!" You playfully jump back, and swing your noodle into a fighting position. 

"(Y/N), this is.." THWAP "A Public-" THUNK "(Y/N)!!!"

Laughing, you dodge to the side as Cedric gives in, pulling his own flotation from its holder, and swinging at you with reckless abandon. You squeal as Cedric smacks you across the back of your head, and he huffs with indignation as you score a solid hit right into his cheeks. The two of you playfully exchange blows back and forth, laughing all the while. You had scored the most hits, when suddenly Cedric throws his floatation to the side, and rushes at you. 

"Got you dear," he cries, grabbing your waist and lifting you up off the ground. You drop your noodle in surprise, and squawk in surprise, instinctively wrapping your arms around Cedrics neck. "I win." Cedric smirks  smugly, his face inches away from your own. Smiling, you lean in and give him  a soft kiss. 

"Alright you win. Now lets get these groceries back to the house before our ice cream melts," you tease, wiggling your way out of his grip. Holding your now-blushing husband by the hand, the two of your put your 'weapons' back into their spot, and you turn to go back to your cart. before you can get too far, you feel Cedric pull you back into his arms, and press a soft kiss to your forehead. 

"I'm so glad I married you," he murmured. 

You grin back at him. "Me too."


I'm back with another upload, only to disappear for a unspecified amount of time. Hope you enjoyed this domestic fluff. I know Cedric is more OOC then normal, I apologize. Peace!

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