Welcome All Students

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"Hey Pansy do you know where the Hufflepuff common rooms are?" Ophelia asks.

"By the kitchens i believe, but you won't be able to get in."

"I was just going to wait by them so I could walk to class with this girl I met yesterday."

"Oh god you made friends with a Hufflepuff, come on Ophelia just walk with me."

"I sat with her on the train and i actually think she's really cool- so um I'll see you later Pansy."

Ophelia walks around the castle attempting to find the kitchens.

"Hey you what are you doing there." An angry looking man with a cat beside him says.

"Oh I was just trying to find the kitchens. Is that your cat?"

The man nods.

"What's her name?"

"Mrs. Norris." Filch responds taken aback that a student was actually speaking to him.

Ophelia clicks her tongue trying to get the cats attention.

"She won't come to you-"

Cutting him off is Mrs. Norris walking towards Ophelia and rubbing against her leg.

"Aww hi pretty girl."

Mrs. Norris begins to purr uncontrollably.

Mrs. Norris had never interacted with any of the students and if one had tried touching her she always just hissed at them.

"Uhm... the kitchens are straight down and then your second left."

"Thank you so much! Bye Mrs. Norris! Thank you...-"


"Thank you Filch."

Ophelia arrives at the kitchens and leans against a wall waiting for Winnie for about 5 minutes.

"Ophelia!" Ophelia heard a yell coming from the right side of her.

Winnie came walking over towards her with a bag slung over her shoulder, books and a sleeping Pippin sticking out of it.

"Well good morning, are you ready for classes?" Ophelia asked the eager looking girl.

"I am quite nervous actually, but no matter. Are you ready?"

"Mostly, i mean of course I'm a bit nervous but I'm sure everything will be fine. I thought we could walk together, if you wanted to?"

"I would like that actually, I was scared you wouldn't want to talk to me after the train."

The two girls begin walking side by side.

"Why wouldn't I want to talk to you?"

"Well I don't know, you are a Slytherin and I'm just a Hufflepuff."

"Just a Hufflepuff? Helga Hufflepuff just rolled over in her grave. You better start having more house pride, they might kick you out."


"Oh my god, totally not the point Winnie you're not JUST a Hufflepuff, okay?"

"Okay, um so they can't kick me out?"

"No, how did you manage to totally miss the point of what I said bloody hell."

The two girls arrived at their first class which was transfiguration, they got there a little early so only a couple of other students were sat throughout the room. They chose seats next to each other in the middle of the classroom, making a compromise for Ophelia's want to sit in the back and Winnie's to sit in the front, waiting for class to begin. The two girls make small talk as more students pile into the classroom. Draco occupies the desk to their right beside Ophelia and the seat by Winnie remains empty.

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