My Name's Winnifred

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"Oh god, my arm's gotta be broken, gran going to be so disappointed." Neville groaned walking with Winnie to the Hospital Wing.

"Neville, it's fine accidents happen." Winnie reassured smiling over at the boy.

"This wouldn't happen to anyone else. I'm just an absolute moron, wait you know my name?"

"Of course I do. I was helping look for Trevor on the way here, and hey at least you have the courage to actually try flying I didn't even levitate."

"I suppose your right, but god- what's your name?" Neville questioned glancing over at Winnie.

"Winnie, I mean Winnifred but I usually just go by Winnie."

"Oh wow, Winnifred is a very nice name."

"Oh, thank you- but what were you saying?" Winnie replied flustered from the compliment that Neville had just given her.

"Oh yes, god my arm, it feels dislocated or broken or-or I don't even know."

"I'm sure Pomfrey will be able to fix you up, don't stress about it."

The two arrive outside of the hospital wing and look at one another silently.

"Well I suppose I should be getting back to class, find me in the great hall during supper and let me know how your arm is."

"Would you uh... nevermind have a great rest of your day Winnifred."

"What?" Winnie questioned, wanting to know what he was going to ask her.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. I was just gonna see if you would stay but it's totally fine."

"Of course I'll stay come on Nev." Winnie smiles at Neville, opening the door and as the boy walks in she follows behind him.

"What do the two of you need." Pomfrey asked walking around the room cleaning stuff up.

"He hurt himself in flying class."

"Oh god that class is going to be the absolute death of me I swear. Well come on sweetie lay down." Madam Pomfrey sighed leading Neville to a bed to inspect his arm.

"This should be simple enough, it seems you have injured your wrist."

"See! I told you that you would be fine." Winnie exclaimed.

"Thank you for walking me here Winnifred."

"Yeah of course!"

The door opens and Winnie turns and sees Ophelia

"Hey, how's he doing?"

"Good Madame Pomfrey said it should be no problem fixing his wrist."

"How did you manage to fall from 20 feet and only break a wrist bloody hell your lucky Neville." Ophelia looked at Neville in amazement.

"Woah she knows my name as well?"

Ophelia shoots a confused look towards Winnie and Winnie simply shakes her head in response laughing.

"Neville this is Ophelia, she also tried helping look for Trevor." Wine introduced Neville to Ophelia.

"Oh I know who she is. She's the one that put Malfoy in his place the other day that was wonderful."

Ophelia smiles hoping she'll get to put that boy in his place again thinking god knows someone needed to do it

"Alright girls please back up." Pomfrey begins working to heal Neville's arm and as quick as she had begun she says, "alright you're good to go."

"Oh my god how did you do that, that was brilliant-" Ophelia started gushing.

"Years and years of practice darling."

"You have to teach me that it was so magnificent."

"I suppose I could show you a few things, but don't think you'll pick it up quickly, it's a hard skill to master." Pomfrey told Ophelia.

"I promise I won't disappoint, when can I start?"

Pomfrey smiles at the girl impressed with her dedication.


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