Mishap and Mayhem

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Eventually, Winnie and Ophelia leave Neville to Madame Pompfrey, making sure to invite him to sit with them at dinner to which he happily agrees.

You see, Neville had always wanted close friends like the ones he had read about in books. He had always been with his gran never really having contact with kids of his own age. He was grateful that the two girls had taken the same liking to him as he did to them.

Winnie and Ophelia carried on through the day going class to class meeting the teachers that would shape them into great witches.

The day seemed to drag on and on however, most likely due to the girls both being excited for their first real dinner in the Great Hall.

Eventually the time came and all the students excitedly made their way into the Great Hall migrating towards who they planned to sit next to. Although, Winnie and Ophelia stood there not sure where to sit.

"OI. YOU'RE BLOCKING THE DOOR." Some rude Ravenclaw snapped rushing past them.

"Then move your feet and go around, bloody hell." Ophelia retorts equally as rudely.

"Well well look at what we have here Georgie, our first year getting all feisty."

The said first years turned around seeing Fred and George heading towards them, smirking at the previous interaction.

"See Freddie I knew we liked Ophelia for a reason."

Fred walked up to Ophelia and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, while George did the same to Winnie, dragging her into the Great Hall with other two following close behind.

"If you don't mind me asking but where are you taking us?" Winnie voices her confusion as to where they were going.

"Well you see my dear we weren't going to let our first years sit alone, we weren't lying about that you know."

A light blush appears on Winnie's face at George's use of 'my dear'.

"And besides we need to start your training." Fred smirks sitting down at the Gryffindor table.

"And what exactly are we training for Fred."

"Well Ophelia I will have you know that if you want to carry on our legacy, you two will have to learn how to prank properly."

"And what exactly does that entail?" Winnie asks looking slightly nervous.

As the boys begin to explain Ophelia glances around the hall taking notice of her father at the table full of teachers, guilt washes over her. She shouldn't have acted like that in his class, she had hope their relationship could be repaired if she kept acting like this there was no doubt he would disown her completely.

Anxiety fills Oph's body at the thought of truly having no father. She glanced at the three beside her still chatting and attempted to calm down by downing water. A futile attempt because after 3 glasses of water all she felt was a woozy feeling.

"Hey Ophelia you doing alright there?" Fred questions.

"Guys guys can someone be allergic to water-? Because I just drank like three glasses and now I feel like death."

"Ophelia you didn't!?" George exclaims.

"Stay hydrated boys it's a very hot summer- dehydration can lead to death." Ophelia's voice wavers in response to George's exclamation.

"Well no shit so can alcohol poisoning, drinking three cups of our spiked punch."

"What the hell do you mean by that Freddie?"

"Oh Merlin, Ophelia is gonna die isn't she, oh no, what are we going to do, what are-"

"Winnie calm down Ophelia isn't gonna die, she may feel horrible tomorrow but she will live." George cut off the worried girl trying to calm her down.

"Hey guys." Neville smiled plopping down in the empty seat next to Ophelia.

"NEVILLE," Ophelia exclaims, "HOW THE HELL IS YOUR WRIST."

"Oh uhh it's fine now, thanks for asking."

"Don't mind her Neville, she drank the spiked punch, which I wouldn't recommend unless you want to end up like our dearest Ophelia." Fred informed Neville catching him up.

Ophelia looked over at Neville squishing his cheeks together, "Had anyone told you how cute you are, so squishable. Like an adorable little bunny. You will make some sweet girl very happy one day, not me but someone."

"Did she just-"

"Yes Fred, she did."

"And this Pippin is why we don't drink alcohol." Winnie said to her ferret whom she was feeding small slices of apple to.

"Winnie did you have that long rat with you all day?"

"Ophelia I told you once I will not tell you again, PIPPIN IS A FERRET NOT A RAT."

"Woah there guys don't get tiny mad." George laughs at Winnie's outburst.

"Winnie do you think you will be able to handle Ophelia tonight?"

"No Fred I do not, there is no way I can get her through a barrel but there is no way I am leaving her all alone in the Slytherin common room."

"You do make a good point there Win. So, how about you Neville, up for the job?" Fred looks at the still red faced boy.

"Ok alright I will take that as a no, so how about you Georgie, ready to become a babysitter."

"Guys it so weird how rooms can spin like this, the technology of the future is marvelous." Ophelia gushes, her head spinning slightly.

"Alright there is our cue, Fred and George lead us the way to the common room. Neville would you like to help us with this?" Winnie took Ophelia by the hand while Neville followed them.

As they approach the doors to the hall Ophelia turns around and yells out, "BYE DAD!!" blowing a kiss in the process. The group walks faster after that to avoid any questioning from the professor whose eyes were now bulged out of his head.

"Ophelia I swear to god."

As soon as they got into the Gryffindor Common room Winnie sat Ophelia in one of the couches across from the fireplace.

"There is so much red in here woah." Ophelia stated looking around the whole room.

"Yup almost as if red were one of our house colors."

"There is no need to get snappy with me young man."

"Should someone get her water maybe?" Neville asks

"That is a marvelous idea Nev." Winnie agrees.

She goes over to the fridge sitting in the kitchen and searches through it looking for water.

"Alright there you go."

"Thanks," Ophelia unscrews the cap and sniffs the water quickly throwing it in the fire, "hehe smoke- pretty."

"Ophelia!" Winnie exclaims.

"I wanted to see the pretty smoke-"

"Jesus Chri- guys really as much as I want to deal with this it's almost curfew and Filch will have my head if I'm not in my dorm."

"Traitor." Ophelia remarks.

"It's fine Winnie me and Georgie can handle it can't we," George nods," Neville you should be heading to bed as well."

Without protest Neville bids everyone goodnight and heads towards his dorm completely worn out.

While Winnie walks towards Ophelia and kisses her head telling her to stay safe before saying her farewells to the twins.

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