The Morning After

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Winnie made her way towards her dorm feeling slight guilt over leaving Ophelia with the twins, maybe she should go back?Surely she would get caught if she turned around now, the thought scared her: already getting in trouble here.

As much as Winnie knew her father's love for her the thought of dissapointing him scared the hell out of her. The only thing she had ever heard about Remus' time here was that he had been a head boy and a prefect, so surely he wasn't one getting into mischievous situations, she wanted to continue that legacy. It may seem odd her not knowing much about his time at Hogwarts, but after she got her acceptance letter she immediately began asking him questions but all that resulted from that was a solemn look on his face signaling to her that she should drop the subject.

She crawled through the barrel leading towards her dorms, she opened her door as quietly as she could and plopped onto her bed making sure to tuck Pippin in his bed directly beside hers.

Back in the Gyrffindor common room Ophelia was dancing and singing as Fred was hitting the ground attempting to make a beat for the song, and George was sat down on the velvet couch watching the two idiots in front of him.

"Hey my name's Ophelia and I," she hiccups, "I'm in Slytherin... Which is pretty cool because if I wasn't my dad would probably cryyyy." Ophelia attempt to rap giving up half way through and deciding to attempt to hit a high note at the word cry.

"Freddie your turn!" She says handing off her "mic" which was truthfully just the water bottle George had gotten her after she threw the last one in the fire to Fred.

Fred shoots a glare towards the girl but still takes the water bottle, "Yo I'm Fred- which rhymes with red?? and bed??"

"Magnificent I say your a natural!"

Ophelia erupts with laughter while dancing around the Gryffindor common room. George let's out a loud yawn seemingly capturing Ophelias attention.

"Ugh your a total buzz kill." The girl remarks

"Well unfortunately my dear not all of have a buzz right now, and happen to be exhausted."

"Georgie off to bed with you!" Ophelia exclaims.

George sends a look towards Fred silently asking for approval, to which Fred nods. As George heads up towards his dorm, Ophelia turns deviously towards Fred.

"I say we like do the thing that makes people pee themselves in bed to him!"

"Ophelia, my dearest first year he will disown you if you ever tried something like that."

Disregarding the boys words Ophelia stumbles towards the kitchen in pursuit of something to eat. Following closely behind her stumbling figure is Fred already knowing she's about to eat shit. And she does, just before reaching the miniature kitchen in the common room, the girl trips over her own feet sending her falling backwards. Quickly Fred scoops Ophelia up and sets her on the counter of the kitchen gently hoping to prevent any injuries. He goes to grab her a bottle of water as an attempt to ease her hangover tomorrow.  Turning back towards her handing off the water bottle and situating himself next to her on the counter, she leans her head slightly on Fred's shoulder trying to stop the spinning in the room.


"Yes Ophelia?"

"Are you scared of anything?"

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